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Help us work out what it is that gives Manx cats their tailessness


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Researchers from the Isle of Man, York and the University of Missouri want to measure all of the genes in the genome of the Manx cat. This will be the first time anyone has measured the genome of a Manx cat and by comparing the results to previous studies of the domestic cat, they hope to learn about cat’s tails, cat physiology and feline diseases.


This project is currently looking for support and they have launched an Indiegogo campaign. A donation can give you a range of perks, including wrist bands, t-shirts and the opportunity for your cat (if it’s Manx) to contribute DNA to the project.


If this sounds interesting, please check out the campaign page and consider contributing.



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The genetic factors that are responsible for the taillessness can have an impact on the spine and nerves, although this isn't always the case. In certain cases, it can lead to serious spina bifida-like complications. These genetic factors are autosomal dominant, meaning that if one chromosome has them and the other doesn't, the kitty will still be tailless. Tragically, when two Manxies breed and the fetus has these genetic factors on both chromosomes, it is generally unviable. There's a nice description of this on the wikipedia page for Manx cats.


The detailed genetics of how and why this happens is poorly understood, so this is a great opportunity to learn more about Manxies and how we can best look after their health.

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The Isle of Man - a nation of beady-eyed inbreds whose national symbol is a cat with an hereditary genetic defect. The irony.

Racist. Anyway, our national symbol isn't a cat, it's a set of legs with an hereditary defect,so there.

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