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Gee Cee

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So let's bring hundreds of thousands of angry young men who we've been bombing and have good reason to hate our guts into Western Europe. That sounds like a hell of a plan.


Maybe if we hadn't bombed them and given them a reason to hate us?

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So let's bring hundreds of thousands of angry young men who we've been bombing and have good reason to hate our guts into Western Europe. That sounds like a hell of a plan.


Maybe if we hadn't bombed them and given them a reason to hate us?



Maybe if we had bombed them properly and finished them off, no survivors?

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it actually is getting to the point where we probably would be better off just wiping the whole world out then starting again.. the point of no return has been passed.. no more enemies surely peace and love and compassion would reign supreme. cos we the good guys maaaann


Why wipe out the whole world? Just wipe out all the backward people like Africans, ragheads, Chinks, gays, etc, or go straight in for the kill and wipe out the people who start and fund all the wars (on both sides) in the first place. We all know who I'm talking about.

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it actually is getting to the point where we probably would be better off just wiping the whole world out then starting again.. the point of no return has been passed.. no more enemies surely peace and love and compassion would reign supreme. cos we the good guys maaaann


Why wipe out the whole world? Just wipe out all the backward people like Africans, ragheads, Chinks, gays, etc, or go straight in for the kill and wipe out the people who start and fund all the wars (on both sides) in the first place. We all know who I'm talking about.



You do know parody sock puppets are supposed to be funny?

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So let's bring hundreds of thousands of angry young men who we've been bombing and have good reason to hate our guts into Western Europe. That sounds like a hell of a plan.


Maybe if we hadn't bombed them and given them a reason to hate us?


Yes I know. But we did. We can't go back and undo that can we? Undo the killing and all of the hate? So against that background some certifiable lunatics who run Europe reckon its a good idea to import hundreds of thousands, nay millions, of angry young men who have reason to hate us - and each other in many cases, incidentally - so that we can have a rematch on our own continent.

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So let's bring hundreds of thousands of angry young men who we've been bombing and have good reason to hate our guts into Western Europe. That sounds like a hell of a plan.


Maybe if we hadn't bombed them and given them a reason to hate us?


Yes I know. But we did. We can't go back and undo that can we? Undo the killing and all of the hate? So against that background some certifiable lunatics who run Europe reckon its a good idea to import hundreds of thousands, nay millions, of angry young men who have reason to hate us - and each other in many cases, incidentally - so that we can have a rematch on our own continent.



Maybe we should send them a card saying sorry...and maybe discontinue the bombing and destruction

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THREE MILLION migrants will arrive in Europe by 2017




New Commission report estimates that influx will boost EU economy


'There will be an impact on growth that is weak but positive for the EU as a whole, and that will increase GDP (Gross Domestic Product) by 0.2 to 0.3 percent by 2017,' Moscovici said.


The migrant arrivals would create a short term boost to growth from higher government spending on new asylum seekers, the Commission said.


That would be followed by a medium-term boost because of an increase in the number of workers available 'provided the right policies are in place to facilitate access to the labour market,' it said.



Increased GDP and economic growth from higher government spending!!!!! Why didn't our government think of this?

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Dear German Chancellor Angela Merkel

IF you have a sane bone left in your body, it is past time that you stop the open doors mass immigration policy which you have relentlessly pursued.
As you are well aware, they may arrive in Germany but once you have processed them they are then free to travel everywhere in the EU forever - specifically to the UK - and we can do nothing whatsoever to keep them out.
Absolutely nothing at all
And as not many of them speak German - virtually none - but many of them do have at least some English then no-one needs to try hard to guess where many of the endless millions will want to come..........................
10,000 a day are already arriving from Syria and Africa. If continued that would be 3.5 MILLION each year. And that is not even the tip of the iceberg. Countless people in the Middle East and almost all of Africa, as well as big chunks of Asia will see what is happening and wish to follow suit. Why wouldn't they?
Including many bad people who wish us harm or are ambivalent as to whether others do us harm.
People who do not even remotely share our culture or our values.
The madness must surely now stop?
Maybe last night’s events in Paris will re-energise those German politicians seeking to reverse Frau Merkel's insane immigration laissez-faire policies.

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Thing is, WE didn't bomb them, or shoot them, the lunatics in charge of the asylum did that, the very ones who will be protected and whisked to safety when the shit hits the fan while people who have never had a say in any of it pay the price.

Sadly that's very true. It's almost got like the plot to the film Swordfish now. Governments creating terrorists to keep us in a perpetual state of insecurity so that we will sign our lives away to those same security forces to protect us.

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