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Gee Cee

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Thing is, WE didn't bomb them, or shoot them, the lunatics in charge of the asylum did that, the very ones who will be protected and whisked to safety when the shit hits the fan while people who have never had a say in any of it pay the price.


Thing is, they started it over a thousand years ago invading our continent and every other bastard's continent too. Read history instead of left-wing rags. This vile hatred for our culture and way of life didn't begin with George W Bush or Tony Blair or 9/11. It started over 1,300 years ago when a psychotic delusional prophet united a load of tribes and went on a rampage across Arabia, looting caravans, wiping out his competitors, marrying 6 yr olds (moderator: I am not making that up, I can back it up) and creating an ideology of hatred and love of death. I hope everyone will start visiting MEMRI TV. Google it. It shows what appears on Muslim TV stations in the middle east and translates it. You will be sickened. They even have a version of Barney the dinosaur who says how great it is to be a martyr and kill Israelis. Sick stuff.

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By the time the media have finished with this we will certainly be a lot more terrorised. Whoever organised this needs identifying, given a catchy name so the plebs can remember easier and given the recently vacated arse end panto role soonest. The people who make our decisions may make better ones if they they had to live amongst them. RIP to innocent victims everywhere

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IF you have a sane bone left in your body, it is past time that you stop the open doors mass Muslim immigration policy which you have relentlessly pursued.



Seems like a number of the perpetrators were EU nationals......sorry it doesn't fit with the rhetoric.....


Yes. They aren't very French or Belgian though. Those were the mistakes of yesteryear.

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we have a choice to make.


That choice is stark: kill or be killed.


So which one is it going to be?

This is simplistic blow-hard stuff, cheap but utterly meaningless and empty. Almost everyone agrees that the terrorists should be defeated. And nobody is seriously suggesting that they can be persuaded to change. But she is articulating that as if it were a debate that needed to be won. Also as if it would be for the public to individually take up arms.


The difficult question is how, not whether. And she is not offering military analysis and strategy. And she is not proposing to lead the attack.


She is wrong to dismiss the reaction to these attacks as "platitudes". It matters that people find courage together. That's the humanity which is under attack.

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She appears on Sky News papers review giff and HIGNFY....she's hardly at the coal face of international politics.


Like you say, blow hard media friendly sabre rattling....with no actual meaningful implementable solutions!


History is littered with incidents of imposition of will by force....hell the British made an "Empire" out of such!

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