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Gee Cee

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She appears on Sky News papers review giff and HIGNFY....she's hardly at the coal face of international politics.


Like you say, blow hard media friendly sabre rattling....with no actual meaningful implementable solutions!


History is littered with incidents of imposition of will by force....hell the British made an "Empire" out of such!

So did every other empire that ever existed. It's a cycle of growth, zenith, decline and fall. No prizes for guessing where we are now.

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Isil and its death cult stablemates will never be defeated until we get to grips with the concept that this has nothing to do with anything except the fact that we exist. It is that, and that alone, which offends them and which they seek to destroy.


So, unless we are all happy to sign up to radical Islam right now, with every heretic and infidel executed on sight, every man forced to take up arms, every woman enslaved, every homosexual stoned to death and every nine-year-old girl at risk of rape, in a terrifying return to the Dark Ages, we have a choice to make.


That choice is stark: kill or be killed.


So which one is it going to be? ''

That's easy to say but who do we fight? This isn't a traditional war where people might join up or be conscripted and sent to a war zone. There is no war zone. In fact there is no real enemy that is identifiable for any of us to fight at all. When it comes down to it id be happy to defend myself if needed but this is not a conventional war that anyone can "fight" effectively. Which makes all these calls to fight just sound silly as what that really means is "Burn down your local mini mart, the Muslim bastards" which is rather like an appeal from Keep Britain British etc. You'd have a better chance of civil unrest to overthrow our own governments to stop our governments bombing the people who are the reason why more and more of these people are being radicalised in the first place.


The only point I do agree with in the above is that all these w@nkers on Facebook and Twitter posting hashtags and French flags etc are not doing anything and yet they think they are front line fighting terrorism. It is time to get angry and politicised but for sure it will end up in some warped version of a 21st Century Krystal Nacht where half of the Muslim owned businesses on our High Streets get burned down by angry fuckwits spoiling for a fight. Again, that is exactly what IS wants to happen as it will further it's cause.

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This war needs to be fought with intelligence.

Where they have struggled in the UK and USA it is because effectively you are living in a Big Brother state. And that is actually the only way forward.


You need retinal and finger print technology and Borders everywhere. A lot of the problem now is that these fuckers have a free pass around Europe once they get in posing as "immigrants" from a a war torn country.


And generally there needs to be a halt put to the mass migration and they need returning to the countries they come from.

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There's truth in that but I don't buy the fact that one of the shooters was rescued from a boat off the coast of Greece. The fact that a passport survived him being completely blown to fuck suggests it's probably a decoy. It's hard to believe his passport survived when he was a simmering mass of shit and burned flesh on the floor. Refugees are the perfect cover though. I would advocate offshore processing so that they are all held and only released when validated. Half of the IOM is unused. A big camp around Jurby would do it. Fly them in to Jurby or Andreas from wherever and set them up in refugee camps. We could charge UKG and the EU £250m a year for the privilege and its all done - books balanced and civil servants happy. Or redo the Pier in Ramsey and bring them in on boats from Scotland. So the pier is fixed up for free. Nobody would fucking notice. Just more shady people wandering round Jurby in trackies. Only at least these would be behind fences.

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On the second bottle tonight OMF?

What's wrong with coming up with solutions for our financial crisis? I don't see anyone else coming up with money raising ideas that align with our culture? We already despise the poor and the lower paid here. We bring in strealth taxes to keep taxes for the poor high and the rich low. We might as well go the whole hog and sell the whole lot out for a shit load of cash and put the razor wire up. We did it in WW1 and WW2. We have a great tradition in offshore containment. You can still see where the posts in the ground were outside the Hydro and that whole stretch of Victorian boarding houses. If we fenced off Jurby and put the new generation of illegal aliens up there for a couple of hundred of million a year we'd actually just be following a tradition this Island has had over the last 100 years. Balance the books and pay down the debt and have a story to tell in 100 years time about how great it all was.

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thats near enough word for word david cannans 1987 manifesto leaflet

Well maybe he was right. All you'd need to pitch really was setting up the "Department of Containment" and the creation of 900 civil service jobs building fences, and putting in security, and buying paperclips, and serving food etc and you'd be done. In fact that's an election ticket to stand on - offshore containment and 900 new public sector jobs looking after illegal aliens just like we did in the last wars. They'd be writing songs about you years from now.

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On the second bottle tonight OMF?

What's wrong with coming up with solutions for our financial crisis? I don't see anyone else coming up with money raising ideas that align with our culture? We already despise the poor and the lower paid here. We bring in strealth taxes to keep taxes for the poor high and the rich low. We might as well go the whole hog and sell the whole lot out for a shit load of cash and put the razor wire up. We did it in WW1 and WW2. We have a great tradition in offshore containment. You can still see where the posts in the ground were outside the Hydro and that whole stretch of Victorian boarding houses. If we fenced off Jurby and put the new generation of illegal aliens up there for a couple of hundred of million a year we'd actually just be following a tradition this Island has had over the last 100 years. Balance the books and pay down the debt and have a story to tell in 100 years time about how great it all was.


3rd bottle at least.

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On the second bottle tonight OMF?


What's wrong with coming up with solutions for our financial crisis? I don't see anyone else coming up with money raising ideas that align with our culture? We already despise the poor and the lower paid here. We bring in strealth taxes to keep taxes for the poor high and the rich low. We might as well go the whole hog and sell the whole lot out for a shit load of cash and put the razor wire up. We did it in WW1 and WW2. We have a great tradition in offshore containment. You can still see where the posts in the ground were outside the Hydro and that whole stretch of Victorian boarding houses. If we fenced off Jurby and put the new generation of illegal aliens up there for a couple of hundred of million a year we'd actually just be following a tradition this Island has had over the last 100 years. Balance the books and pay down the debt and have a story to tell in 100 years time about how great it all was.

3rd bottle at least.

None of you have any vision.


The finance sector won't be transforming your life anytime soon.

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There's truth in that but I don't buy the fact that one of the shooters was rescued from a boat off the coast of Greece. The fact that a passport survived him being completely blown to fuck suggests it's probably a decoy. It's hard to believe his passport survived when he was a simmering mass of shit and burned flesh on the floor. Refugees are the perfect cover though. I would advocate offshore processing so that they are all held and only released when validated. Half of the IOM is unused. A big camp around Jurby would do it. Fly them in to Jurby or Andreas from wherever and set them up in refugee camps. We could charge UKG and the EU £250m a year for the privilege and its all done - books balanced and civil servants happy. Or redo the Pier in Ramsey and bring them in on boats from Scotland. So the pier is fixed up for free. Nobody would fucking notice. Just more shady people wandering round Jurby in trackies. Only at least these would be behind fences.

I think this is a good idea! With the exception of ever letting our government anywhere near it nevermind running it!


It would bring in the extra people to boost the economy through working, and give the economy over here a period that we can change. Although for that to happen we would have to sack every MHK and dispose of LegCo.

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  • 5 weeks later...


There's truth in that but I don't buy the fact that one of the shooters was rescued from a boat off the coast of Greece. The fact that a passport survived him being completely blown to fuck suggests it's probably a decoy. It's hard to believe his passport survived when he was a simmering mass of shit and burned flesh on the floor. Refugees are the perfect cover though. I would advocate offshore processing so that they are all held and only released when validated. Half of the IOM is unused. A big camp around Jurby would do it. Fly them in to Jurby or Andreas from wherever and set them up in refugee camps. We could charge UKG and the EU £250m a year for the privilege and its all done - books balanced and civil servants happy. Or redo the Pier in Ramsey and bring them in on boats from Scotland. So the pier is fixed up for free. Nobody would fucking notice. Just more shady people wandering round Jurby in trackies. Only at least these would be behind fences.

I think this is a good idea! With the exception of ever letting our government anywhere near it nevermind running it!

It would bring in the extra people to boost the economy through working, and give the economy over here a period that we can change. Although for that to happen we would have to sack every MHK and dispose of LegCo.

It looks like the Island of Bute has beaten us to it



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