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Gee Cee

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Yes the Islanders are really pleased about all the freebies, free houses, heating, electric, no community tax, food, pocket money,bikes for the kids, something they dream of themselves which would never happen, no wonder they are up in arms, I wonder if the Manx Government would do the same for our pensioners who are finding it difficult to manage, maybe the overseas aid Gawne freely gives to Syrians would do.

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The shape of things to come ...


From BBC news:-


"German Chancellor, Angela Merkel has voiced outrage over the sexual assaults and thefts that male gangs inflicted on women in Cologne on New Years Eve

Women have made at least 90 criminal complaints to Police about the harassment by gangs at Cologne's main railway station on Thursday night.


The scale of the attacks has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.


Witnesses and Police said the men were of Arab or North African appearance".


Foist on her own petard. So much for multiculturalism, Germany will rival Sweden as the 'Rape Capital' of Europe.


Not that I'm cynical, an' that ...


So from Arab you automatically went where exactly? They could be Saudi or Omani for all you know...

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The shape of things to come ...


From BBC news:-


"German Chancellor, Angela Merkel has voiced outrage over the sexual assaults and thefts that male gangs inflicted on women in Cologne on New Years Eve

Women have made at least 90 criminal complaints to Police about the harassment by gangs at Cologne's main railway station on Thursday night.


The scale of the attacks has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.


Witnesses and Police said the men were of Arab or North African appearance".


Foist on her own petard. So much for multiculturalism, Germany will rival Sweden as the 'Rape Capital' of Europe.


Not that I'm cynical, an' that ...


If we are doing selective quoting from that news story I'll add this bit:


"There is an intense debate in Germany about refugees and migrants, who arrived in record numbers last year. But Mayor Reker urged people not to jump to conclusions about the Cologne assailants.

"It's completely improper... to link a group that appeared to come from North Africa with the refugees," she said, after crisis talks with the police."

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The shape of things to come ...


From BBC news:-


"German Chancellor, Angela Merkel has voiced outrage over the sexual assaults and thefts that male gangs inflicted on women in Cologne on New Years Eve

Women have made at least 90 criminal complaints to Police about the harassment by gangs at Cologne's main railway station on Thursday night.


The scale of the attacks has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.


Witnesses and Police said the men were of Arab or North African appearance".


Foist on her own petard. So much for multiculturalism, Germany will rival Sweden as the 'Rape Capital' of Europe.


Not that I'm cynical, an' that ...


So from Arab you automatically went where exactly? They could be Saudi or Omani for all you know...


Yeh, but they won't be will they? You know that really................

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The shape of things to come ...


From BBC news:-


"German Chancellor, Angela Merkel has voiced outrage over the sexual assaults and thefts that male gangs inflicted on women in Cologne on New Years Eve

Women have made at least 90 criminal complaints to Police about the harassment by gangs at Cologne's main railway station on Thursday night.


The scale of the attacks has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.


Witnesses and Police said the men were of Arab or North African appearance".


Foist on her own petard. So much for multiculturalism, Germany will rival Sweden as the 'Rape Capital' of Europe.


Not that I'm cynical, an' that ...


So from Arab you automatically went where exactly? They could be Saudi or Omani for all you know...


they are fucking RAGHEADS whichever way you shake the dice,send the bastards back from whence they came.

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I think you're mistaken. No racism here. Just the facts.

Other than the FACT that at the time the persons ethnicity or nationality had not been published, you were allowing your racist bias to show. Fact.

I think you are delusional.


The reports cited attacks on women by immigrants and that is the case.


It is no surprise. That isn't racist. It's factual.


The African immigrants are more of an issue imho.

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Cologne was a turning point for Germany and it was much needed.


Before the events of NYE, the German media systematically ignored criticism and negative stories about migrants. Anyone who dared to say anything against it, no matter how true or valid, was instantly branded as right wing and both sides created terms to throw at each other. Bahnhofsklatscher (people clapping at the train stations when migrants arrived, which really was an extraordinarily retarded thing to do) and Gutmensch (Good Human, but meant more in the way of "always nice to everyone, all is good") for the supporters, plain old Nazi or Besorgter Buerger ("concerned citizen") for anyone who even remotely dared to say anything against this massive clusterfuck of a migration experiment.


Only after Cologne did even the most blind and leftist journalists realise that something is wrong. One of the German TV stations even had to apologize for initially suppressing the cologne story. It's out in the open now. The fairy tale of the nice migrants coming for protection and adding to the economy in return is no more.


There are people who need asylum and shelter, no doubt, but the whole way it is being done, with the lack of a proper plan or organization is a recipe for disaster. The government is overwhelmed and the constant talk of "integration" is nothing but a bad joke. The majority of these people don't want to and never will integrate. We don't even have enough teachers to teach them even basic German, so how the fuck is this gonna work?


Our laws are also way too soft for the type of people you now read about in relation to sexual assaults and other crimes. If you have an asylum claim going in Germany and commit a crime, or multiple crimes as very many of them do, then this will not impact your claim unless you are actually sentenced to something like two or three years in prison. That's right, you can come to Germany and steal or defraud people to your heart's content and still receive asylum, accommodation and state payouts. We're too soft and even Mama "Wir Schaffen Das" Merkel is now realizing that current laws were designed for Germans and our mentality, and not for the people now coming to the country. Hopefully laws will be tightened to kick anyone out who gets as much as a sentence on probation (that's the plan they are discussing at the moment).


That then leaves the problem of where to kick them out to, if the overloaded and underfunded police and justice system even finds time and resources to do so. Many will conveniently 'lose' their passports when things get tight, while others are from war areas you can't send them back to. What is needed is a system like Australia has, but slightly less horrible. Reception centers and living facilities in Greece for example, staffed by the EU and where all migrants must stay to have their claims assessed. People found genuinely in need are then distributed to other European countries based on quotas (this asylum shopping bullshit has to stop) while all others are told to leave and go back home. If they refuse or 'forget' where they are from to prevent deportation, then they will simply stay at the facility until they remember. Letting things continue as they do now is not an option.

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Cologne was a turning point for Germany and it was much needed.


Before the events of NYE, the German media systematically ignored criticism and negative stories about migrants. Anyone who dared to say anything against it, no matter how true or valid, was instantly branded as right wing and both sides created terms to throw at each other. Bahnhofsklatscher (people clapping at the train stations when migrants arrived, which really was an extraordinarily retarded thing to do) and Gutmensch (Good Human, but meant more in the way of "always nice to everyone, all is good") for the supporters, plain old Nazi or Besorgter Buerger ("concerned citizen") for anyone who even remotely dared to say anything against this massive clusterfuck of a migration experiment.


Only after Cologne did even the most blind and leftist journalists realise that something is wrong. One of the German TV stations even had to apologize for initially suppressing the cologne story. It's out in the open now. The fairy tale of the nice migrants coming for protection and adding to the economy in return is no more.


There are people who need asylum and shelter, no doubt, but the whole way it is being done, with the lack of a proper plan or organization is a recipe for disaster. The government is overwhelmed and the constant talk of "integration" is nothing but a bad joke. The majority of these people don't want to and never will integrate. We don't even have enough teachers to teach them even basic German, so how the fuck is this gonna work?


Our laws are also way too soft for the type of people you now read about in relation to sexual assaults and other crimes. If you have an asylum claim going in Germany and commit a crime, or multiple crimes as very many of them do, then this will not impact your claim unless you are actually sentenced to something like two or three years in prison. That's right, you can come to Germany and steal or defraud people to your heart's content and still receive asylum, accommodation and state payouts. We're too soft and even Mama "Wir Schaffen Das" Merkel is now realizing that current laws were designed for Germans and our mentality, and not for the people now coming to the country. Hopefully laws will be tightened to kick anyone out who gets as much as a sentence on probation (that's the plan they are discussing at the moment).


That then leaves the problem of where to kick them out to, if the overloaded and underfunded police and justice system even finds time and resources to do so. Many will conveniently 'lose' their passports when things get tight, while others are from war areas you can't send them back to. What is needed is a system like Australia has, but slightly less horrible. Reception centers and living facilities in Greece for example, staffed by the EU and where all migrants must stay to have their claims assessed. People found genuinely in need are then distributed to other European countries based on quotas (this asylum shopping bullshit has to stop) while all others are told to leave and go back home. If they refuse or 'forget' where they are from to prevent deportation, then they will simply stay at the facility until they remember. Letting things continue as they do now is not an option.

this comment is race hate for all the starry eyed liberalismus raghead lovers,haha,now the krauts have imported this problem THEY and they alone should deal with it,most of the european countries have told adolph merkel to fuck off WE are not fucking OUR countries up for your crazy ideas.

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All well and good but with very little border controls across the EU people can pretty much come and go as they please without any real knowledge of those movements (for those that wish to do so).


I could never really understand Germany's (or the EU's in general) approach to be honest.

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