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Gee Cee

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OK, whatever... they said something like that, for deffo! Muslims not immigrants - why just the Muslims?


I'm past the caring stage, although in a most hilarious moment with MrBees last night, I came up with a stunning idea, what if these poor Syrian refugees are in actual fact not refugees but are instead a total muslamic Trojan horse? Oh the fun we have in the hive, the flat earth debate got taken to another level too (the horizon only looks curved because of the shape of your eyes...) honestly, I don't know how he puts up with me.

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What was actually said was those who are already required to apply for a long stay visa and who could not demonstrate a reasonable level of language after being here for a couple of years risk non-renewal of that visa.


Your version sounds just a little bit more unreasonable and therefore more newsworthy to the usual suspects in the media.


It's a daft idea as all it does is give the human rights lawyers and endless income stream* but that is not to say there is no genuine problem behind the idea. I bet there's hundreds of thousands of people resident in the uk with no english whatsoever and they are usually women (experience derived from a decade of working face to face with joepublic in a very multicultural town). It seems their husbands like it this way as they can exert even more power over them. Now in which particular community might that a problem? It certainly was a problem in Oldham in the 80s and it just seems to continue.


Mind you, I'd much rather brits living abroad were made to learn a bit of the language of the country but that aint going to happen either especially if they've gone to an EU country.



* Presently at a potential cost to the taxpayer but I think they're onto that too.

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Yes, yes whatever :) Did they or did they not specify Muslims? I think you will find they said "Muslims.", like what I said in my original post on the subject. There's a lot of Eastern Europeans who cannot speak English, they might be Russian Orthodox or Jewish, what about them?

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As Mandarin is the world's most widely spoken language (English comes third), maybe we should all learn Mandarin and have done with it.


I wonder what 'ban motorbikes' looks like in Mandarin?

It's 禁止摩托车'翻译

Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jeez, thought everybody new that!
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
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It must apply to all if they really are going ahead with it.


There are loads of other communities that have language problems but I think eastern eauropeans don't make up very many. They seem to make a considerable effort to speak english.


Even if non-uk born muslims are the biggest group by number, it seems wrong to single them out. Mind you, they could be being singled out for help...


I never did find out why they all seemed to be called Mrs Begum in Oldham although I know what the word means having befriended google. At least it's easy to remember as well as not having to remember or pronouce their real name.

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I wonder what 'ban motorbikes' looks like in Mandarin?

It's 禁止摩托车'翻译

Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jeez, thought everybody new that!
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì


Hee hee, the last two characters you've cut and pasted 翻译 (pronounced fānyì) actually mean Translate.


So what you've posted up says "Prohibit Motorcycles 'Translate"


Ban motorcycles is captured in the first 5 characters you posted: 禁止摩托车 (pronounced Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē)


Ban or Prohibit is 禁止Jìnzhǐ


While Motobike is 摩托车mótuō chē - it is a transiteration and loan word - saying the two characters 摩托 mótuō sounds like Motor in chinese, and this pair of characters have no meaning in Chinese in that combination other than the sound they make, something which is quite rare in Chinese where most words have a meaning separate from their pronunciation. 车chē is the Chinese word for vehicle.

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I wonder what 'ban motorbikes' looks like in Mandarin?

It's 禁止摩托车'翻译

Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jeez, thought everybody new that!
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì
Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē'fānyì


Hee hee, the last two characters you've cut and pasted 翻译 (pronounced fānyì) actually mean Translate.


So what you've posted up says "Prohibit Motorcycles 'Translate"


Ban motorcycles is captured in the first 5 characters you posted: 禁止摩托车 (pronounced Jìnzhǐ mótuō chē)


Ban or Prohibit is 禁止Jìnzhǐ


While Motobike is 摩托车mótuō chē - it is a transiteration and loan word - saying the two characters 摩托 mótuō sounds like Motor in chinese, and this pair of characters have no meaning in Chinese in that combination other than the sound they make, something which is quite rare in Chinese where most words have a meaning separate from their pronunciation. 车chē is the Chinese word for vehicle.


Ah, well that's where my claim to a proficiency in Mandarin Chinese falls crashing to the ground. It was going well too, I bet nobody else realized I'd cut and pasted it until you dobbed me in. Grass!

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As Mandarin is the world's most widely spoken language (English comes third), maybe we should all learn Mandarin and have done with it.


I wonder what 'ban motorbikes' looks like in Mandarin?

Btw, is this you, did you have a business that went tits up and for some reason you hold the TT/MGP and bikers in general to blame?


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Germany is fast losing grip on the whole situation and calls for Mama Merkel to resign are getting louder as she continues to do next to nothing to alleviate the situation. That's usually her favourite tactic, to sit things out, but it won't work this time. Even her own party is now turning against her. Here's an example of the type of issues happening now, and it's only getting worse:




Basically, migrants from north Africa registered and claimed handouts multiple times after arriving in Germany (yes, they do get money when they get there) and many of them are also responsible for a lot of the crimes media reports. Yet the government doesn't even have their fingerprints as they are not taken on registration. As a result fuck knows how many migrants have multiple IDs and can not only claim handouts multiple times, but also game the system. There are known cases of migrants applying for asylum, being turned down, then simply going to the next town with a new ID and name and applying again, so they can stay pretty much as long as they want. Even deporting declined asylum seekers is almost impossible due to bureaucracy. All the Algerians and Moroccans should not be there in the first place, yet you can't get rid of them, even if they commit crimes. It's mental.


Merkel has created completely unrealistic expectations in the minds of migrants with her stupid All Welcome policy. Another news article recently circulated where a woman working in a registration facility for migrants was quoted as saying she had enough and wants to leave:




Basically, the article stated that she joined because she was excited about helping migrants but the reality is not what she expected at all and she describes that up to 90% of them are unpleasant to deal with. They come into her office and straight away demand money, a car and a job, because that's what they think they are entitled to now that they have reached the golden land. Needless to say the reality is a bit more disappointing and then she can deal with the fallout, such a threats like "We'll behead you". That's of course if they want to deal with her at all, because she's a woman. She even goes on to describe that she dresses differently now to avoid sexual harassment.


So anyone can just walk into Germany at the moment with any kind of fake or real ID. No fingerprints are taken and nobody really has a clue or cares where people are or go, and the police is too short staffed to do much either. Yet when we went on holiday there not too long ago, me as German citizen and my then girlfriend from a non EU country, we had to jump over massive bureaucratic hurdles just to get a tourist visa for her. Her fingerprints were taken, she had to show 6 months bank statements, prove "rootedness" in her home country and my dad even had to put down a deposit with the local government in Bavaria as guarantee for her and to make sure she fucks off again. That's so we could go there on holiday and spend money! Yet thousands of criminal arseholes are let in without checks. It's unreal. So nice to know my ever so efficient home country has its priorities right. Next time we will simply travel there as refugees. No visa needed, you get free money and free train tickets on top.


So much is wrong with the way this is being handled, it's fast turning into a national disaster. Just the way the media has turned since NYE says a lot, with even the most left wing news, who were more than happy to suppress and cover up negative stories before, are now starting to see that we have a problem. Germany even paid Turkey to stop the flow of migrants from there, but it seems they just took the cash and did little about it. The best thing now would be to look towards how Australia did it. Help the Greek navy here to tow boats back, open offshore processing facilities were at least migrants who committed crimes in EU countries, or who have been turned down for asylum but can't be deported, can be housed so they are off the streets and don't take up resources for real refugees. They have to destroy the incentives for them to move and get a grip on who is already there, otherwise this will have catastrophic consequences.



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Whilst in Amsterdam recently, the gentleman-shopkeeper by my apartment bemoaned the large groups of men who seem to have increased sharply, in number. He said there is a general sense of fear and intimidation by their mere presence, in a lot of his customers. On numerous occasions, after catching some of them shoplifting his goods he has been threatened with the usual beheading or being burned-out of the business he has sustained, without trouble, for forty-six years. The local police, after seemingly taking an age to arrive, are unable to deal with the problem efficiently as he has seen the same faces back on the street outside his shop the day following their arrest, staring in through his window in an attempt to intimidate him. The rise of the right in Holland and other countries, is a fair indication of a change of heart and the realisation of the folly that this whole debacle, is.


Damn Merkel, damn the Left whose delusional naivety has led Europe into this crisis.

hear hear hear.

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I remember watching a subtitled German documentary (on BBC Three or Four) several years ago. They were interviewing people on the right and what I could gather they felt Germans were being conditioned in the schools into feeling guilt for the Holocaust even though most of the teachers would have only been children at the time and none of the students would have been alive at the time. So a national collective guilt has been promulgated for a crime that few alive today were involved in. A child in Germany is no more responsible for the Holocaust than a child in England. The people being interviewed said this wasn't limited to history classes but seeps into every part of the curriculum. I don't know if this is true or not. If such a guilt is really being leveled on them, it explains why so many are reluctant to speak out on immigration, as they'll immediately think they're being racist or a right-wing Nazi for even thinking anything critical of it. It's time Germany moved on. Hopefully the German people will shift further to the right. That's not a bad thing, as long as they don't go too far to the right. At the moment I get the impression their politicians are too far to the left. They should reach a middle ground where reality and self-preservation prevails.

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