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Gee Cee

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Muslim terrorists are the least of the West's problems..

Indeed but many think the slow, creeping but incessant ideology of that way of life they see pervading certain towns in the UK is much more of a problem than headline-making terrorist acts.

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If they are all refugees of war as you said why the great clamour to get to certain parts of Europe?



Have you looked at the countries around Syria? TO the south west you have Egypt and Libya (not exactly stable right now), to the west you have Israel and Palestine (yeah, I'd avoid that shitfest as well), to the south Jordan...


To the East, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan....


To the north you have Turkey...you know the ones funding ISIS by buying oil off them.


Even if you get past Turkey you can't head to far over to the east because you are heading into Ukraine/Georgia, and they don't like other white people let along non-white people.

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I'm not cross, maybe slightly peeved.....


Because I wont put a dress on for you?


Well you're going to have to try it on sometime if you're going to be the first jihad milf.



You need to keep your cross-dressing fantasy to yourself (although it looks like you share it with dilligaf)

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And Paris was the start in terms of terrorists sneaking in as refugees.



Actually, most of the Paris attackers were Belgian citizens or from Morocco...and from most reports they had been in the country long before the Syria refugee crisis.

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According to the FBI 94% off terrorist incidents on American soil was committed by non Muslims, with over 40% being committed by Latinos. In fact Jewish terrorism was 1% higher than Islamic terrorist attacks...


Time to bomb Mexico and freedomise some burritos

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Think you need to weight those incidents by the number of casualties they cause.




"More broadly, 3,066 Americans have been killed in terrorist attacks from 9/11/2001 through 12/31/2014, including perpetrators and excluding deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq.

o 2,961 of these deaths occurred on American soil.

o 2,902 of these deaths occurred during the attacks on September 11, 2001. "


Interestingly, 15 of the 9/11 perpetrators were Saudi and 2 were from the UAE. Two places we didn't invade...in fact we sell them more weapons...

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Interestingly, 15 of the 9/11 perpetrators were Saudi and 2 were from the UAE. Two places we didn't invade...in fact we sell them more weapons...


Now why is that ... let's try and think .. could it be because Al Qaeda was an illegal organization in Saudi and the UAE, with their governments fully engaged in anti-terrorist activities against it and with de-radicalization policies to stop their citizenry using their religion as a reason to go and murder people.


While in Afghanistan the government actively engaged with Al Qaeda, allowing it to set up training camps to train people to go and murder people justified by their religion; broadcast its threats and declarations of jihad and war against the infidel; and supported its interpretations of Islam as a Jihadist/Mujahedin inspiring ideology.


I thought you were in favour of a nuanced understanding of political Islam? There is a reason why Saudi and the UAE were US allies in "the war on Terrorism" [ridiculous term - I'm no defender of Shrub by the way] and the Taleban government in Afghanistan was an enemy.

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Interestingly, 15 of the 9/11 perpetrators were Saudi and 2 were from the UAE. Two places we didn't invade...in fact we sell them more weapons...


Now why is that ... let's try and think .. could it be because Al Qaeda was an illegal organization in Saudi and the UAE, with their governments fully engaged in anti-terrorist activities against it and with de-radicalization policies to stop their citizenry using their religion as a reason to go and murder people.


While in Afghanistan the government actively engaged with Al Qaeda, allowing it to set up training camps to train people to go and murder people justified by their religion; broadcast its threats and declarations of jihad and war against the infidel; and supported its interpretations of Islam as a Jihadist/Mujahedin inspiring ideology.


I thought you were in favour of a nuanced understanding of political Islam? There is a reason why Saudi and the UAE were US allies in "the war on Terrorism" [ridiculous term - I'm no defender of Shrub by the way] and the Taleban government in Afghanistan was an enemy.



Saudi Arabia and by extension the House of Saud were the biggest funding stream for AQ, and it is not coincidence that the Bin Laden family and the Bush clan were connected by business interests.

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Although the wealthy bin Laden family disowned Osama in 1994 after his alleged involvement in terrorism like the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, the events of 9/11 brought to attention connections between the bin Laden family and the Bush family.[122] It has been alleged that Osama was never disowned and that his family were aware of his activities in the years preceding 9/11. The connections between the bin Laden family and Bush family have led to conspiracy theories that President George Bush was also aware of Osama's activities and deliberately allowed 9/11 to take place.

The movie Fahrenheit 9/11 shows some business connections between the Bush family and the bin Laden family. It relates how Salem bin Laden invested heavily in Arbusto Energy, a company run by George W. Bush, through his friend James R. Bath.[123] Several members of the Bush family are investors in the Carlyle Group, a defense contractor and investment fund with numerous interests in the Saudi Arabia and the Middle East and connections to the Saudi Binladen Group, run by former Reagan administration Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci.[124] On September 10, 2001, former President George H. W. Bush and several members of his cabinet had been present at a Carlyle Group business conference with Shafig bin Laden, a half-brother of Osama bin Laden, at the Ritz-Carlton hotel located several miles from the Pentagon. The conference was continuing with the remaining cabinet members and bin Laden's brother at the time of the Pentagon attack.[125][126] George H. W. Bush remained an advisor to the Carlyle Group for two years after the attacks.

The New York Times reported that members of the bin Laden family were driven or flown under Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supervision to a secret assembly point in Texas and then to Washington from where they left the country on a private charter plane when airports reopened three days after the attacks.[127] The 9/11 commission later concluded that "the FBI conducted a satisfactory screening of Saudi nationals who left the United States on charter flights" and that the exodus was approved by special advisor Richard Clarke after a request by Saudi Arabia who feared for the safety of their nationals. On June 20, 2007, the public interest group Judicial Watch released FBI documents that it says suggested that Osama bin Laden himself may have chartered one of the flights. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton accused the FBI of conducting a "slapdash" investigation of the flights.[128]

Author Steve Coll in his 2008 book The bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century writes that most members of the family barely know Osama. Richard Clarke in a column about the book notes that because it was custom at that time for successful Muslim men to have multiple wives this claim rings true. Clark also theorizes that the FBI did not question the bin Ladens before they were flown out of the US and have not questioned them since because they already had extensive knowledge about them

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