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Gee Cee

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I doubt whether any refugees would want to go there if they really knew that island. It makes the IOM look as cheap as Lidl and it's £50 to see the GP etc etc

Yes but that probably only applies to residents who have lived, worked and payed taxes there all their lives, not economic migrants refugees. I would imagine they would receive free housing, food etc as well so the high cost of living wouldn't inconvenience them too much.

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I would imagine they would receive free housing, food etc as well so the high cost of living wouldn't inconvenience them too much.

Dunno. I spent some time in Alderney (governed by the States of Guernsey) many years ago and I seem to remember if you haven't paid in anything in an applicable year you can't draw anything out.

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I would imagine they would receive free housing, food etc as well so the high cost of living wouldn't inconvenience them too much.

Dunno. I spent some time in Alderney (governed by the States of Guernsey) many years ago and I seem to remember if you haven't paid in anything in an applicable year you can't draw anything out.


That would effectively disqualify any 'refugees' anyway surely? Unless there is a large Muslim population there already to whom they could sell their (female) children as wives, because they're not going to be eligible for any state hand outs.

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It's Guernsey mate...


Same difference,they're both surrounded by sey.


It's both

Mr Le Tocq's comments followed the announcement that Guernsey would not accept Syrian refugees as part of the UK's Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme.

Jersey has already confirmed that it will not take in any Syrian refugees.

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You can see that in places like Germany you're getting re-emerging right wing neo-nazi style groups publicly starting to gain momentum on the back of all of this stuff. The tactic by ISIS and Al Qaida and whoever else to flood Europe with these migrants (some genuine, some terrorists sleepers, and some just plain bad and damaged scum) has created a self fulfilling and self perpetuating circle of fear and instability. It's not just the UK that's more vehemently anti migrant anymore as stories of kids and women being raped, and murder and crime waves are emerging in the papers across Europe. Merkel is going to be forced to do something in Germany before you get another Krystal Nacht event where the skin heads just start torching mirgrant houses and facilities and generally forcing government to deal with the situation.

Send them back in boxes if necessary.

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Sending people back in boxes could be bad PR. Far better to stop them coming in the first pace, then you don't have to send them back.


What we need is a 'you won't get a penny if you come here' policy. That should do the trick.


We could even implement it on the indigenous population!

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You can see that in places like Germany you're getting re-emerging right wing neo-nazi style groups publicly starting to gain momentum on the back of all of this stuff. The tactic by ISIS and Al Qaida and whoever else to flood Europe with these migrants (some genuine, some terrorists sleepers, and some just plain bad and damaged scum) has created a self fulfilling and self perpetuating circle of fear and instability. It's not just the UK that's more vehemently anti migrant anymore as stories of kids and women being raped, and murder and crime waves are emerging in the papers across Europe. Merkel is going to be forced to do something in Germany before you get another Krystal Nacht event where the skin heads just start torching mirgrant houses and facilities and generally forcing government to deal with the situation.


Pity Adolph's left the room.

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