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Gee Cee

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I see that many asylum seekers who went to Finland have now withdrawn their applications for asylum. Apparently it was too cold, and they did not feel welcome. Maybe we should use the wind turbines to create a nasty draught? That might do the trick?

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Perhaps that just shows that no one really knows the answer, and that the media doesn't help the situation.

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Maybe we need to go after the answer then instead of hoping it will magically appear. Ship all the men of fighting age (which must be about 99.9%) back to fight for their own fucking countries, instead of leaving it to the women and other nations, and see if they really oppose Isis and are just cowards, or whether they're just using the situation as a smoke screen to infiltrate Europe for economic and or political means. Which ever it is, I bet the rape and robbery crime rate drops through the floor to pre-mass immigration levels. And send all the fucking appeasers with them to see how well they get treated by the very people they've been trying to sanctify.

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For the 55 who didn't match the definition of refugee, only 3 appear to have been German born. One wonders then how long the vast majority (90 ish %)of the rest of them had lived in Germany or the rest of the EU.


Btw they are only suspects atm.

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I think parts of the media are trying to distinguish between people who have entered as refugees from Iraq and Syria - they make up a small minority of those arrested for involvement in what happened in Cologne; and people who have entered as refugees from North Africa - they make up the large majority of those arrested.


Nearly everyone wishes to expel false refugees coming from safe North African countries - the authorities have just declared countries like Tunisia and Algeria safe and so not a country from where people can generally claim asylum.


Hence the majority of people arrested are viewed by nearly everyone as unlikely to be genuine refugees - they would be, and should have been expelled.


Those in real need - ie from Syria and Iraq - weren't generally involved in what happened in Cologne, and those in favour of the ideal of offering succour to those in desperate need are attempting to emphasise this.


Those against all refugees/immigrants aren't.


Therefore the political position of the media you read will affect the narrative.

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  • 9 months later...

I wonder what the history books will say was the modern battle of Covadonga, where Europe united and reinvigorated the fight to push the menace back to whence it came... I guess that'll only happen if we win though

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