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Gee Cee

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How times have changed. A famous speech from a right wing President in 1953:


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."


Seems the right wing of yesterday was left of todays labour.


Wonder how that happened.


The above quotation from President Dwight D Eisenhower has been totally misinterpreted.


Eisenhower was a protagonist for the use or at least deployment of nuclear weapons believing at least in those times that vast conventional forces were a waste of money that could be better used elsewhere. That is why he speaks of the cost of holding a large fleet, massive air force, huge army etc.


He saw nuclear weapons such as they were back then as being by far the cheaper option. Indeed, he threatened the use of nuclear weapons in order to end the Korean War much the same as the nuclear weapons ended the war with Japan..


So far from being "quasi-socialist" Eisenhower was seeking after defence procurement economy and the doubt and uncertainty that having nuclear weapons can engender in a potential foe. Will they? Will they not?


The same concept lies behind nuclear deterrence today and even though we think in terms of Trident we tend to forget the much smaller and less spoken of tactical and low yield nuclear weapons as having small conventional forces backed up by the uncertaintly of nuclear weapons is the basis of certainly UK defence policy today. It is not just ICBMs it is also nuclear tipped artillery, nuclear depth charges and cheaper nuclear weapons mounted on such as cruise missiles. It cuts the cost of conventional forces...or so they say!


The USA had lost 54,000 soldiers in the Korean War by 1953 not including wounded. It was getting too much. "Ike" wanted cheap and cheerful nuclear weapons to save money. Of course in those days I think the former USSR had not really caught up and when they did the result was a nuclear arms race and "Mutually Assured Destruction" which kept every one in their place until the "Star War" project eventually forced the USSR to admit that they could no longer afford to compete...


"Ike" was probably right at the time when nuclear bombs were mostly carried on big 'planes...But it did not quite work out like that!


Anyway, it was not "Ike's" altruism....He wanted more bang for his bucks and the best way back then was to stack up on "nukes"

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Germany closing its borders. Austria first. More to follow I expect if other countries don't take some.


It'll be interesting to see how these desperate people react when told Germany isn't an option anymore. I'd like to think positively given they are looking for safety.

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Germany closing its borders. Austria first. More to follow I expect if other countries don't take some.


It'll be interesting to see how these desperate people react when told Germany isn't an option anymore. I'd like to think positively given they are looking for safety.

If safety was the only thing they were looking for they had that a long time before they reached Germany !

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I did read the demographic of the migrants somewhere and the young single males seem to be grossly overrepresented !


Europe really does need to wake up and not confuse humanitarianism with indigenous suicide !

They've had that death wish for years. Maybe something good can come out of it. The end of Schengenlanden and maybe even the EU which has shown itself to be totally inept economically, politically, militarily and by any other yardstick you care to name. On the ground none of this looks positive.

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I did read the demographic of the migrants somewhere and the young single males seem to be grossly overrepresented !

There are legitimate reasons for that, of course. It's a bit easier to travel thousands of miles when you're a young single man.


But the whole refusing water, setting fire to donated clothes stuff is a bit much. I have full support for those that want to rebuild their lives, but the ones who are going to act like animals can fuck off.

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We know it's going to end badly for everyone. All the do gooders will be regretting this in a couple of years time.

Yes, but they won't regret bringing them in. They'll be beating themselves up about how the horrible racists haven't made sufficient allowances to accommodate the diverse, society enriching cultures and traditions that have arrived.

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We know it's going to end badly for everyone. All the do gooders will be regretting this in a couple of years time.

Yes, but they won't regret bringing them in. They'll be beating themselves up about how the horrible racists haven't made sufficient allowances to accommodate the diverse, society enriching cultures and traditions that have arrived.



It'll be like the Monty Python film where the British generals are having dinner discussing how well everything is going whilst the bombs land all around them.

The liberals will be having their houses robbed, their daughters assaulted and their pockets picked while they're sitting outside their leafy Hampstead cafe discussing these poor people and how they're misunderstood and deserving of more of our money and land.

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