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The wise have been hording precious metals for some time now, when the financial system crashes later this month,


Do you plan on eating it or building a shelter out of it?


Its also wise to have some tinned and dried food, preferable 2-3 months supply..

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The wise have been hording precious metals for some time now, when the financial system crashes later this month,


Do you plan on eating it or building a shelter out of it?


Its also wise to have some tinned and dried food, preferable 2-3 months supply..



Gold Hoarder - "Hello good sir can I buy some of your food with this gold that was worth so much before the fall of society?"


Merchant of the apocalyptic future - "Can I eat it?"


GH - "No"


Merchant - "Can I take shelter in it?"


GH - "No"


Merchant - "Can it help fight an infection?"


GH - "No"


Merchant - "Can I defend myself with it?"


GH - "Well...its kinda heavy I suppose you could hit someone with it....but generally no"


Merchant - "So what use is it then?"

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The expectation is for a collapse of the financial system. Not a zombie apocalypse. I am sure that people will react badly anyway, even though it's a fictional system that has failed. You just need the essentials to get by for a few weeks, you don't want to be looking through bins when Tesco is empty after 2 days. I suppose an isolated island full of hungry people could resemble a zombie apocalypse after a couple of weeks...lol

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The expectation is for a collapse of the financial system. Not a zombie apocalypse. I am sure that people will react badly anyway, even though it's a fictional system that has failed. You just need the essentials to get by for a few weeks, you don't want to be looking through bins when Tesco is empty after 2 days. I suppose an isolated island full of hungry people could resemble a zombie apocalypse after a couple of weeks...lol


Who mentioned a zombie apocalypse? You vastly under estimate mans capacity to be a shit to his fellow man when the electricity goes out and the water stops flowing.


And you vastly over estimate the value of precious metals in a world where survival is paramount rather than wealth.

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The wise have been hording precious metals for some time now, when the financial system crashes later this month,


Do you plan on eating it or building a shelter out of it?


Its also wise to have some tinned and dried food, preferable 2-3 months supply..



There's not a chance I'm eating baked beans for 3 months. I'd rather die.


I'm all stocked up for the coming apocolypse anyway. I've got a pantry full of Terry's All Gold, Golden Virginia tobacco, some Golden Syrup, big jar of Nescafe Gold Blend, some frozen Golden Delicious apples, Kerry Gold butter, a few bottles of Goldschlager and some Ferraro Rocher.

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There's not a chance I'm eating baked beans for 3 months. I'd rather die.


I'm all stocked up for the coming apocolypse anyway. I've got a pantry full of some Ferraro Rocher.



Are you hoping to be the Isle of Man's ambassador to the Zombie Nation?

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