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I must admit to having had a good laugh at this thread.


The big movements of late have been normal summer BOT trading. It will settle down next week one way or the other. The markets will then get back the 10% or so that they have lost.

Sell in May and go away.

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5 yr -11.5 %

1 yr -6%

6 mth - 9%


Investing in gold alone is idiocy.


A fund manager is not the only option when investing either.


Unfortunately most people do not have either the time nor the inclination so leaving it to a 'professional' for a fee is what most do.


I have pensions, property, savings and I did invest in gold and silver and made just shy of 300% returns on it before cashing in. I couldn't dream of making that in property over the course of a few years, although that does give you an income regardless of capital appreciation.

As with everything, diversification is key.

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5 yr -11.5 %

1 yr -6%

6 mth - 9%


Investing in gold alone is idiocy.


A fund manager is not the only option when investing either.


Unfortunately most people do not have either the time nor the inclination so leaving it to a 'professional' for a fee is what most do.


I have pensions, property, savings and I did invest in gold and silver and made just shy of 300% returns on it before cashing in. I couldn't dream of making that in property over the course of a few years, although that does give you an income regardless of capital appreciation.

As with everything, diversification is key.


spot on.

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It's, as ever, interesting to see the responses when you post on this topic. The gold investment seems to attract a particular kind of poster; low trust, glass half empty, doom is just around the corner. If I posted about an issue I had with other kinds of investment outside of managed portfolios eg trackers, bonds, private equity, nobody would blink. Deride gold, the supporters come out of the woodwork.


It's a commodity, it's not an automatic win (the graphs show that well enough), and it's not going to keep you fed when the world ends.


There's a lot of luck and good fortune in investing. I managed to get 850% out of one particular equity because I happened to go in after the crash and it did pretty well long term (including paying off my mortgage, woot!). Would I recommend you buy the same thing now? No. The rules change, it's complicated, and I got lucky.


I agree about diversification, I disagree on your generalsations and claims of price predictability that doesn't exist. If it was that predictable, it'd be exploited.


For me, I'd rather put my money into something interesting than something shiny. I'm not a hoarder.

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It's, as ever, interesting to see the responses when you post on this topic. The gold investment seems to attract a particular kind of poster; low trust, glass half empty, doom is just around the corner. If I posted about an issue I had with other kinds of investment outside of managed portfolios eg trackers, bonds, private equity, nobody would blink. Deride gold, the supporters come out of the woodwork.


It's a commodity, it's not an automatic win (the graphs show that well enough), and it's not going to keep you fed when the world ends.


There's a lot of luck and good fortune in investing. I managed to get 850% out of one particular equity because I happened to go in after the crash and it did pretty well long term (including paying off my mortgage, woot!). Would I recommend you buy the same thing now? No. The rules change, it's complicated, and I got lucky.


I agree about diversification, I disagree on your generalsations and claims of price predictability that doesn't exist. If it was that predictable, it'd be exploited.


For me, I'd rather put my money into something interesting than something shiny. I'm not a hoarder.

What are you talking about 'price predictability' for? No-one can predict any price and nor does anyone claim to. Gold is an asset class and as such it'll have it's cycles. It may not do well now for another decade, who knows, which is why I personally sold and have put my profits into some commercial property that I got for what I considered to be a good price.

You seem to deride people who have done well out of shiny metals because you claim some sort of intellectual superiority. You don't have to hoard something to make money out of it, you just hold it until the time is right to sell it. The same with stocks, property, any investment.

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There's an abundance of information out there and to some people, they seem to know of what will happen and move stocks and shares around that make a tidy profit.

In one sense, I admire their pursuit but not all that jingles turns to gold and therefore the cautious investor and I suppose the likes of me, wouldn't dream of chancing my luck on a few winners.

It seems reasonable straightforward at first, you pay for someone to place your bid and if you buy it at a low price, then yeeha, but the twist is to sell it at it's top end value, deduct the sellers commission and whatever's left is yours. (Is that right guys?)


Love to know but it scares the heck out of me :)

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There's an abundance of information out there and to some people, they seem to know of what will happen and move stocks and shares around that make a tidy profit.

In one sense, I admire their pursuit but not all that jingles turns to gold and therefore the cautious investor and I suppose the likes of me, wouldn't dream of chancing my luck on a few winners.

It seems reasonable straightforward at first, you pay for someone to place your bid and if you buy it at a low price, then yeeha, but the twist is to sell it at it's top end value, deduct the sellers commission and whatever's left is yours.



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Very very few people make any money out of the stock market. And a fair few of those that do have done it by luck rather than judgement.


Over the long term it is hard to go wrong with property providing you get it at the right price point (and are not highly leveraged) and the yield is decent at the out set. (i aim for 11% gross personally).


The great thing about property is that it is illiquid and stops emotion driven decisions. Equity purchasing and holding is quick and easy and that brings reactionary issues to short term events.

As for Gold, it's a potentially interesting diversifier but I'm not that bothered about it. It looks like a thoroughly crap investment if you bought in at $1900 in 2011. Those holding from $400 may not care although having said that the price of $400 was 13 years ago. 180% is a decent enough over 13 years but it wouldn't take a huge drop to make that look an average sort of return IMO.

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