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from wiki Officially Reported Gold Holdings

The IMF regularly maintains statistics of national assets as reported by various countries.[5] These data are used by the World Gold Council to periodically rank and report the gold holdings of countries and official organizations.

On 17 July 2015, China announced that it increased its gold reserves by about 57 percent from 1,054 to 1,658 metric tons, while disclosing its official gold reserves for the first time in six years.[6][7]

The gold listed for each of the countries in the table may not be physically stored in the country listed, as central banks generally have not allowed independent audits of their reserves. Gold leasing by central banks could place into doubt the reported gold holdings in the table below.


Whose to know the truth that's hidden behind these Bank Vaults?

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That's funny. Shows how stupid governments are to fall for that one. If they are just leasing gold then every country could own the same gold knowing the probity of the system. w00t.gif


If I'm holding gold I want the metal. Physical. Not some piece of paper from a poshed up Arthur Daley type that says I own it. FFS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting.


The wise have been hording precious metals for some time now, when the financial system crashes later this month, or early October others will have wished they had done so also.


The interesting September is finally here, there are still a couple of weeks to stock up on storable food, being on an island that relies on food shipment wont be a pretty site...


Edit...LOL my first doom post is post number 666

Well Gerry, September is over. I see you've hedged your bets into early October, which is wise. October is a far far more volatile month - most of the big crashes historically have been in October.


So what will be a big enough drop to feel justified in your prediction.


Surely something bigger than a 10% correction.


That is perfectly possible. 15%, 20% ... come on Gerry tell us what your expecting. And when does early October end. When will you admit your prediction is either proven or a bust?


Will a 20% drop on the 27th make you feel vindicated?

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Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting.


The wise have been hording precious metals for some time now, when the financial system crashes later this month, or early October others will have wished they had done so also.


The interesting September is finally here, there are still a couple of weeks to stock up on storable food, being on an island that relies on food shipment wont be a pretty site...


Edit...LOL my first doom post is post number 666

Well Gerry, September is over. I see you've hedged your bets into early October, which is wise. October is a far far more volatile month - most of the big crashes historically have been in October.


So what will be a big enough drop to feel justified in your prediction.


Surely something bigger than a 10% correction.


That is perfectly possible. 15%, 20% ... come on Gerry tell us what your expecting. And when does early October end. When will you admit your prediction is either proven or a bust?


Will a 20% drop on the 27th make you feel vindicated?


September was interesting, yesterday saw Russia officially stand side by side with the Syrian Government to fight the western created "rebels / ISIS", so in effect we now have the WEST and Russia in a proxy war with one another, the 30th September could be looked back on in the future as being the start of WW3, we awakened this morning to the sound of western propaganda stating the Russians are killing innocent women and children in Syria after their first official strikes, hmmm I can see where this is leading. The Euro-zone effectively ended in September when various members sealed off their borders, we have also seen the largest migration since WW2 in September thanks to the wests help in the middle east. They even found flowing water on Mars in September 2015, there is in fact quite a list of quite large events for September.


As for the markets, they are complex and heavily manipulated also, the late August drop was the first sign to get out and get ready for the big drop, Autumn has a pattern which again shows evidence of controlled market rigging and controlled collapse times. Predictions are difficult with this purely due to the artificial propping up that it keeps getting (printing more fake bank notes and devaluing the money we already have), but be sure the more they put it off with these tactics the worse it will be and 20% will be nothing to what is going to happen, but I am sure it wont happen until they want it to happen, October the 13th is a good day in their calendar, its fits in well with the rituals that they have been performing lately, so lets call it a failed prediction on the 14th of October..If nothing happens then I am wrong and the BBC is right and we are on the road to recovery, but somehow I just don't see it that way..I love the way you say "10% Correction" are you in the industry by chance?


I'm not to bothered about a financial collapse as its really only a fictional system and if people keep their heads it will have little effect on us in reality, my real concern is another 9/11 style attack, and sadly they have opened the door for this with the meme passed around during the migrant coverage of "All the terrorists sneaking in", this in my opinion was deliberate and setup in advance for the finger pointing and I told you so's if and when something nasty happens, when in fact it will have been a planed and orchestrated affair by a Government agency and not have been carried out by the people that the finger is pointed at by the "penny dreadful" readership. I think the whole migrant coverage was just more "divide and rule" tactics.

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"the 30th September could be looked back on in the future as being the start of WW3,"


It started way before that. The West created ISIS? That's a novel take, gerry.



from the article x


"Yet the new Pentagon report reveals that, contrary to Western government claims, the primary cause of the threat comes from their own deeply misguided policies of secretly sponsoring Islamist terrorism for dubious geopolitical purposes."

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"the 30th September could be looked back on in the future as being the start of WW3,"


It started way before that. The West created ISIS? That's a novel take, gerry.

hardly novel x






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Why would the stock market collapse when the real issue we're facing is a sovereign debt crisis? Why would large institutional money lose confidence in the private sector and put all their money into bonds, when the solvency of countries is the area of concern?


It wouldn't surprise me if we see the stock market continue to reach new highs and the US stock market at that, as the dollar is still the only viable world currency to park serious money at the moment.

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The dollars position as the currency of choice is under threat. Not a moment too soon either.


The challenge in the market at the moment is commodity companies dragging on it with low oil prices here for the medium term at least and China slowdown which will kill and is killing commodity companies. The make up of the top companies has changed over the past ten years and commodity companies make up a much bigger portion of market cap that they used to.

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