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The dollars position as the currency of choice is under threat. Not a moment too soon either.


The challenge in the market at the moment is commodity companies dragging on it with low oil prices here for the medium term at least and China slowdown which will kill and is killing commodity companies. The make up of the top companies has changed over the past ten years and commodity companies make up a much bigger portion of market cap that they used to.

Show me a stronger currency to park huge amounts of money. Granted Russia and China would like to dethrone it and it will come in time, probably to be replaced by the IMF's Special Drawing Rights and a basket of currencies, of which the dollar will be one. But not yet.

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"the 30th September could be looked back on in the future as being the start of WW3,"


It started way before that. The West created ISIS? That's a novel take, gerry.

hardly novel x







last one x




All these prove is that IS was allowed to prosper as a result of the vacuum left Western meddling in the Middle East. That much is common knowledge. To try to twist it further to mean that the US actually created the IS we have now by design is classic internet conspiracy theorism. The whole thing is an almighty cock-up. They may well have agitated to create a buffer Islamic state to counterbalance Iranian and Syrian Shi-ites, but they certainly did not set out to create the monster that is extant now as is being suggested.

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"the 30th September could be looked back on in the future as being the start of WW3,"


It started way before that. The West created ISIS? That's a novel take, gerry.

hardly novel x







last one x




All these prove is that IS was allowed to prosper as a result of the vacuum left Western meddling in the Middle East. That much is common knowledge. To try to twist it further to mean that the US actually created the IS we have now by design is classic internet conspiracy theorism. The whole thing is an almighty cock-up. They may well have agitated to create a buffer Islamic state to counterbalance Iranian and Syrian Shi-ites, but they certainly did not set out to create the monster that is extant now as is being suggested.


hardly novel i said. please don't pretend you know anything about the masses of the "middle east" or each individual's situation. please don't pretend you have any idea about what governments do or have done, because you watch the news and read the papers. just admit you don't know but you believe what you are told by other people. why must people take positions on things they can't possibly know? x

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Well that's the same as you then isn't it? You think that IS was created by the US because you believe what you are told by internet conspiracy theorists. I don't dispute that Western actions have contributed to the rise of IS. That much is obvious. At the same time, I don't believe for a minute that IS as it is was conceived and designed by the West.

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i made no claim but you showed your naivety and i pointed it out that's all. I say what I think, you can't say it for me can you. how could you know that i think the us created isis? especially when i don't. i'm just aware of the info. no need to pick a belief. your opinions, however green they may be, are welcome. but when your wrong just admit it x

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Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting.


The wise have been hording precious metals for some time now, when the financial system crashes later this month, or early October others will have wished they had done so also.


The interesting September is finally here, there are still a couple of weeks to stock up on storable food, being on an island that relies on food shipment wont be a pretty site...


Edit...LOL my first doom post is post number 666


As for the markets, they are complex and heavily manipulated also, ... Predictions are difficult with this purely due to the artificial propping up that it keeps getting ... October the 13th is a good day in their calendar, its fits in well with the rituals that they have been performing lately, so lets call it a failed prediction on the 14th of October..If nothing happens then I am wrong and the BBC is right and we are on the road to recovery, but somehow I just don't see it that way..I love the way you say "10% Correction" are you in the industry by chance?


I'm not to bothered about a financial collapse

13th is the big day apparently.

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The expectation is for a collapse of the financial system. Not a zombie apocalypse. I am sure that people will react badly anyway, even though it's a fictional system that has failed. You just need the essentials to get by for a few weeks, you don't want to be looking through bins when Tesco is empty after 2 days. I suppose an isolated island full of hungry people could resemble a zombie apocalypse after a couple of weeks.

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Keep an eye on September 2015, it could be interesting.


The wise have been hording precious metals for some time now, when the financial system crashes later this month, or early October others will have wished they had done so also.


The interesting September is finally here, there are still a couple of weeks to stock up on storable food, being on an island that relies on food shipment wont be a pretty site...


Edit...LOL my first doom post is post number 666


As for the markets, they are complex and heavily manipulated also, ... Predictions are difficult with this purely due to the artificial propping up that it keeps getting ... October the 13th is a good day in their calendar, its fits in well with the rituals that they have been performing lately, so lets call it a failed prediction on the 14th of October..If nothing happens then I am wrong and the BBC is right and we are on the road to recovery, but somehow I just don't see it that way..I love the way you say "10% Correction" are you in the industry by chance?


I'm not to bothered about a financial collapse

13th is the big day apparently.


Bit of a bust in the prediction game there, Gerry.


Do you have any other stock picks for us?

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