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Zimbabwe Begins Destroying Vegetable Gardens


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Britain couldn't afford to keep the colonies and fortunately there was too much nationalist oppostion and also opposition from America to British, French and Dutch imperialism, so no the old style imperialism could not have carried on in Africa. Besides Britain was never there for any other reason than to exploit the countries it was governing, once Britain slowly began re-assessing it's place in the world and trade with Europe and America was more profitable than with the Commonwealth there was little reason to stay. Though European businesses continued to work in these countries and carry on the exploitation. Decolonisation was only the removal of the formal governing presence of the Europeans.


Yes you could holiday in Zimbabwe and yes it was a richer country but because it has serious problems now doesn't mean the British have the right to interfere with a sovereign country. Why should we?


The Rhodesians didn't decide for themselves, Ian Smith decide for them. It was a shame that more was not done by Harold Wilson to turf out Ian Smith.

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IN answer to your question how can he do that... well thats actually quite simple. He tells someone else to go do it. He doesnt get involved, he just orders someone else to do it who then claims that its not their fault they were "following orders" humans have an amazing capacity to commit horrors and yet dont want to take responsibility...

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