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Volkswagen - false emissions test results.

The Border Terrier

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Looks like VW are the 1st manufacturer to be accused of cheating the emissions test in the US.


Speculation has it that the fines could run into $'s Billions as it has 11 million affected vehicles under scrutiny.


What say any other manufacturers recall their cars for a 'software upgrade' to eliminate any damning evidence?


VW CEO Wintercorn to resign?




Shame, I was about to consider a Polo diesel myself.


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Manufacturer's emission figures are only a very rough guide to total environmental damage anyway and, this latest issue aside, can be very misleading. This is the main reason I intensely dislike the way cars are now taxed. It is entirely unfair and based on lies that give some the warm fuzzy feeling that they're helping the planet. Worse still it can provide mindset driven econazis convenient dodgy dossiers to attack the wrong people.


I have a vehicle that on paper looks awful, yet it only does around max. 1000/miles a year, will last 25+ years (if the econazis don't force it off the road before the end of its true life) and its total contribution to environment damage during its life will be comparatively low. Despite this, I'm currently caned for £534 road tax a year (average say £12,500 tax during it's life*). One or two others (Slim) have previously based all contrary arguments to this principle on these dodgy emission figures.


I have in the past (road tax/ved threads) illustrated how respected manufacturers cheat the system with technical tricks so this revelation does not surprise me at all. No doubt it will soon be realised that it's not only VW that are not the only ones at it. In fact, I'm just surprised that it's not become public knowledge sooner. I just hope that some finally realise that the way we are taxed on vehicle use only has tenuous links to the actual total damage a vehicle does.



* depends on how much future taxation based on dodgy data runs away with itself with the help of this data and shallow thinking politicians.

Edited by ballaughbiker
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Really couldn't care. We've got perfectly good electric vehicles coming into the mainstream, if the US wants to get serious on emissions just make fossil fuelled vehicles unlawful starting in 2030 - that'd kick the manufacturers ass into gear.

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Ballaugh Biker.I totally agree, well said.

For years I have said the same, particularly with consumption figures, total cock by the manufacturers.

I also have a large engine vehicle that will last a mighty long while and has only done 45,000 miles in 12 years, more polluting...rubbish!


Tarne, I would have an electric vehicle tomorrow BUT the cost, ooh dear.

The Island is a brill place to have a total electric vehicle economy IF the electricity was produced in a green way and IF ordinary folk could afford an electric vehicle.


I have built my own electric quad from second hand parts and would like to do the same with a car but it would cost too much.

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We've got perfectly good electric vehicles coming into the mainstream

Fine for short journeys. Battery technology and life needs to come on considerably before they are more mainstream. It will happen but its a long way off imo.


Whilst vehicle use clearly must be controlled, emissions of other fossil fuel burning devices are far worse but motorist have become a cash cow and those who don't need a car because there's a tube station at the end of the street readily lap up how awful they are told cars are.


Govs don't want people like me or doc. They collect f.all taxes (forgetting ved) in total compared to the muppets how buy "clean" cars every two or three years and travel 50 miles a day round trip to work. These are the ones doing real environmental damage in comparison yet they polish their green halo with pride.

Edited by ballaughbiker
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so when the real emissions come out expect your vehicle banding to change and road duty go up accordingly then??????

Only if Slim introduces an even higher taxation band than than is presently legally ripping me off.

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Never have I been so tempted to buy VW shares! how low are they going to go?

A lot lower potentially.

Is there any worse place to have a litigation issue pending? The US Courts will go to town on them. You'll also get individual cases of people suing them.


Long way to run. It'll be open season like with BP (wrongly IMO).

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I heard about this a while ago, it is believed a lot of manufacturers are up to the same trick.


I think the defence will be that the test itself is flawed and that they were only asked to pass that?


At least VW have come clean, I bet there are a lot of MD's shivering at the thought of a £12 Billion fine. Maybe we should jump on the bandwagon, it may solve a few of our financial woes too!

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Road tax on my car and bike have gone up massively in the last few years, way above inflation and the two reasons given have been;


1) People who can afford to buy a newer vehicle are taxed on emissions meaning many of them pay very little in tax, leaving a shortfall which has to be made up by people like myself who can't.


2) The DOI's budget has been cut meaning that more income has to be found from somewhere, like charging senior civil servants for parking and upping road tax.


So I guess now that senior civil servants are STILL not paying a penny for parking and people who can afford a new car are being taxed on emissions that are up to 40 times higher than first thought, all of us poor people can expect a rebate? No thought not.



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