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Tynwald Now


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Tynwal is hoting up, its just been disclosed that the letter that went missing from the CMs office contained names who had information which was sensitive and that those persons are in fear for their lives. Lego has been excluded from the debate due to a motion from Mr Delaney, he wants the public elected members to sort this out.

Live on MR 1368am

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Tynwal is hoting up, its just been disclosed that the letter that went missing from the CMs office contained names who had information which was sensitive and that those persons are in fear for their lives. Lego has been excluded from the debate due to a motion from Mr Delaney, he wants the public elected members to sort this out.

Live on MR 1368am


This is pure comedy :P


Big fight, Big Fight

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I know some people like to knock FCMR, but at least he stuck to his guns over Ballacain and IMHO prevented it being swept under the carpet. It also helped raise an interest in local politics and democracy in some people who otherwise would not be bothered. That can only be a good thing surely?

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I must admit, I've never really been arsed about politics - but in the last year or two I've developed an interest. Obviously the scandal and perceived incompetance has played a large part. It's also a prime example of where the internet is spearheading coverage and public interest.

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It's also a prime example of where the internet is spearheading coverage and public interest.


I think politicians would get an easier ride if it wasn't for the various local forums we've had in the past few years. At least they can see that we are discussing what's going on and in most cases see that we aren't very impressed.

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I too have been trying to listen into the debate going on behind the bongos.


I'm getting concerned because I sense a growing tendancy to not prosecute, let things lie, take the cheaper option or take the road of least publicity.


Is it just me feeling this way?


I'm not comfortable with the thought that things may not always be open and clear. If anything is buried and/or ignored for the benefit of triple A ratings, financial centre confidence or bad international press coverage, it will eventually come back into the light.


I wouldn't be happy having my country, right to knowledge and true justice being manipulated in that manner.


The oath administered to elected Members of the House of Keys:


Her Majesty’s counsel, your fellows’ and your own you

shall not reveal. You shall use your best endeavours

to maintain the ancient laws and customs of this Isle.

You shall justly and truly deliver your opinion and do

right in all matters which shall be put unto you, without

favour or affection, affinity or consanguinity, love or

fear, reward or gain, or for any hope thereof, but in all

things you shall deal uprightly and justly and do wrong

to no man. So help you, God, and by the contents of

this Book.

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After reading this thread I decided to listen for a while and was utterly appalled at the apparent inability of the speakers to construct an intelligible sentence. Their determination to use words whose meaning is obviously beyond their understanding makes some of them sound like complete and utter clowns.

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After reading this thread I decided to listen for a while and was utterly appalled at the apparent inability of the speakers to construct an intelligible sentence.  Their determination to use words whose meaning is obviously beyond their understanding makes some of them sound like complete and utter clowns.


The lack of language skills in the house is quite something. If you listen to the actual audio, many words are simply made up. Quite funny, if it wasn't so sad :)

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