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Bombs in Turkey


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Just horrible.


Pure terrorism.


People, many young and idealistic, rallying in the hope of peace, just cut down.


It is a terrible thing - what would you do? Do you stand up and join those showing that terrorism will not defeat them, or do you keep your head down, keep away and safe, but as a result see those who use violence to make their point suppress those trying to peacefully make their point.

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Just horrible.


Pure terrorism.


People, many young and idealistic, rallying in the hope of peace, just cut down.


It is a terrible thing - what would you do? Do you stand up and join those showing that terrorism will not defeat them, or do you keep your head down, keep away and safe, but as a result see those who use violence to make their point suppress those trying to peacefully make their point.

What do you do?


Avoid these sorts of countries for a start. Plenty of places to go without the risks.


And where possible support the wider effort to eradicate terrorism by as brutal means as possible.

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I have a nasty feeling that something is brewing in those parts that is going to have some even more unpleasant conflict implications of a much larger nature.


The super-powers are now present and being actively sucked into an escalating situation. Multiple different parties in the same theatre with their own agendas. The Allies are bombing ISIS, Syria has its own civil war and conflict with ISIS, Russia now intervenes to support Assad, attacking the insurgents that the allies support against Assad. It's becoming very messy and blurred...how long before there's an Allied/Russian airborne incident?

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I have a nasty feeling that something is brewing in those parts that is going to have some even more unpleasant conflict implications of a much larger nature.


The super-powers are now present and being actively sucked into an escalating situation. Multiple different parties in the same theatre with their own agendas. The Allies are bombing ISIS, Syria has its own civil war and conflict with ISIS, Russia now intervenes to support Assad, attacking the insurgents that the allies support against Assad. It's becoming very messy and blurred...how long before there's an Allied/Russian airborne incident?


Yes, how dare those pesky Russians attack 'our' terrorists ...

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Whether it is easy or not the answer to who committed this atrocity can only really come from evidence and not the persuasiveness of the theory behind that evidence.


The trouble is evidence is sparse and so different theories can always be spun.


Trying to double think the rationalizations used to justify doing this is basically impossible - there are too many possibilities.


Is it IS targeting simply attaching a large gathering of people it considers the enemy, nationalists targeting Kurdish sympathizers, supporters of the deep state who believe it is worthwhile to sacrifice a few to wake up the many to the dangers their country will face if don't support it.


These combinations aren't even mutually exclusive let alone complete.


All we really know is that a group of people, for probably a complex mix of motives, coldly planned to murder a large number of people. Shivers. I wonder how many of them will be held to account for doing that. Sadly I suspect it will be a small fraction.

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Whether it is easy or not the answer to who committed this atrocity can only really come from evidence and not the persuasiveness of the theory behind that evidence.


The trouble is evidence is sparse and so different theories can always be spun.


Trying to double think the rationalizations used to justify doing this is basically impossible - there are too many possibilities.


Is it IS targeting simply attaching a large gathering of people it considers the enemy, nationalists targeting Kurdish sympathizers, supporters of the deep state who believe it is worthwhile to sacrifice a few to wake up the many to the dangers their country will face if don't support it.


These combinations aren't even mutually exclusive let alone complete.


All we really know is that a group of people, for probably a complex mix of motives, coldly planned to murder a large number of people. Shivers. I wonder how many of them will be held to account for doing that. Sadly I suspect it will be a small fraction.


I thought I read somewhere that IS are claiming responsibility....

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Whether it is easy or not the answer to who committed this atrocity can only really come from evidence and not the persuasiveness of the theory behind that evidence.


The trouble is evidence is sparse and so different theories can always be spun.


Trying to double think the rationalizations used to justify doing this is basically impossible - there are too many possibilities.


Is it IS targeting simply attaching a large gathering of people it considers the enemy, nationalists targeting Kurdish sympathizers, supporters of the deep state who believe it is worthwhile to sacrifice a few to wake up the many to the dangers their country will face if don't support it.


These combinations aren't even mutually exclusive let alone complete.


All we really know is that a group of people, for probably a complex mix of motives, coldly planned to murder a large number of people. Shivers. I wonder how many of them will be held to account for doing that. Sadly I suspect it will be a small fraction.


No-one knows which mercenaries are working for who, which side they'll be on next week, who really is funding ISIS and what everyone is going to do next. It's a mess. The US and it's allies have been carrying out 'sorties' for 4 years and yet Putin comes in and wipes out most of the terrorist infrastructure and personnel in 2 weeks. The west are a joke and have been shown up to be such. It has been about the pipeline from Qatar to the Med via Syria all along and Putin comes in and checkmates them to maintain his gas monopoly.

Be interesting, or scary, to see how this plays out.

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