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Blair admits element of truth in blaming Iraq war for ISIS


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I'm the last person to defend Tony Blair but what is up with all you doped up creeps who want to see him done for war crimes? This is the leader of our country and he acted in our national interest. I don't care if there were WMDs or not, Blair scored one for our team and the only reason the region has destabalised and ISIS has taken over is because Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Hussein Obama is a secret Muzzie who is using his influence to undo the the achievements of Blair and Bush in the region. Have some respect and pride in your own country. It's us our them and we don't need peace-loving traitors in our own team. When it comes to Islam, anyone non-Muslim who believes in "peace" really believes in surrender and submission to Sharia Law. If you want that, go live in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan and stop trying to enable Islamists here by promoting your ponsy ideas about how evil we are and how wonderful Muslims are. You should go live there before you speak out of your arses. Criticise Britain and America all you want but we're awesome compared to everyone else.

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blair is just another puppet. gerrydandridge has the answers...you and him should talk


Of course Blair is a puppet. Most socialists are.


Someone like Thatcher would have stayed the course and seen things through to the end. Iraq could have been a great victory for freedom but Obama and Brown and Cameron have let us down and seen to it that the region becomes a cess pool without law and order.

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blair is just another puppet. gerrydandridge has the answers...you and him should talk


Of course Blair is a puppet. Most socialists are.


Someone like Thatcher would have stayed the course and seen things through to the end. Iraq could have been a great victory for freedom but Obama and Brown and Cameron have let us down and seen to it that the region becomes a cess pool without law and order.



Thatcher and her ministers were complicit in supplying Iraq with chemicals right up to the announcement that she & Bush Senior were to go into Iraq first time around (see the Churchill Matrix saga above). It's true she wanted to go all the way to Baghdad... prompting that famous saying...."this is no time to go wobbly, George". The allies misread/ignored Saddam's intentions big time when he stepped into Kuwait. And to my mind Blair perpetuated all that was wrong about what went on before. There's no excuse as Blair, whilst in opposition, was a member of the Privy Council so he can't claim ignorance.


ETA: Spelling

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blair is just another puppet. gerrydandridge has the answers...you and him should talk


Of course Blair is a puppet. Most socialists are.


Someone like Thatcher would have stayed the course and seen things through to the end. Iraq could have been a great victory for freedom but Obama and Brown and Cameron have let us down and seen to it that the region becomes a cess pool without law and order.



Thatcher and her ministers were complicit in supplying Iraq with chemicals right up to the announcement that she & Bush Senior were to go into Iraq first time around (see the Chgurchill Matrox saga above). It's true she wanted to go all the way to Baghdad... prompting that famous saying...."this is no time to go wobbly, George". The allies misread/ignored Saddam's intentions big time when he stepped into Kuwait.


So what? Invading Arab countries is what makes Britain great. We do it because we can do it. The government have to make up reasons for it, but anyone with half a brain cell knows it's because we want their resources. Anyone with a full functioning brain cell accepts this is the way of the world and necessary. Anyone with no brain cell, even half of one, goes marching for peace and whining about no WMDs. Get a grip.

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blair is just another puppet. gerrydandridge has the answers...you and him should talk


Of course Blair is a puppet. Most socialists are.


Someone like Thatcher would have stayed the course and seen things through to the end. Iraq could have been a great victory for freedom but Obama and Brown and Cameron have let us down and seen to it that the region becomes a cess pool without law and order.



Thatcher and her ministers were complicit in supplying Iraq with chemicals right up to the announcement that she & Bush Senior were to go into Iraq first time around (see the Chgurchill Matrox saga above). It's true she wanted to go all the way to Baghdad... prompting that famous saying...."this is no time to go wobbly, George". The allies misread/ignored Saddam's intentions big time when he stepped into Kuwait.


So what? Invading Arab countries is what makes Britain great. We do it because we can do it. The government have to make up reasons for it, but anyone with half a brain cell knows it's because we want their resources. Anyone with a full functioning brain cell accepts this is the way of the world and necessary. Anyone with no brain cell, even half of one, goes marching for peace and whining about no WMDs. Get a grip.



Not quite sure what point you're trying to get across but.....


My question is: after selling the Saddam regime all those chemicals where did they all disappear to?

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I don't know but if I had to take a wild guess there are a few ideas at the top of my head.......


1. He used them all

2. They're still hidden

3. The US took them back

4. ISIS have conveniently got hold of them like their fleet of toyotas and will use them to destabalise the region (this may be where they got chemicals from to use in Syria, which was falsely blamed on Assad)

5. Iran, Saudi Arabia or another nearby country now have them


What point are you trying to make? It's capitalism. We have stuff they want. We sell them to them. We sell it to the other side too and make twice the profit. A load of towel heads kill each other with our weapons. Win win result!

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I don't know but if I had to take a wild guess there are a few ideas at the top of my head.......


1. He used them all

2. They're still hidden

3. The US took them back

4. ISIS have conveniently got hold of them like their fleet of toyotas and will use them to destabalise the region (this may be where they got chemicals from to use in Syria, which was falsely blamed on Assad)

5. Iran, Saudi Arabia or another nearby country now have them


What point are you trying to make? It's capitalism. We have stuff they want. We sell them to them. We sell it to the other side too and make twice the profit. A load of towel heads kill each other with our weapons. Win win result!

You win.

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I'm the last person to defend Tony Blair but what is up with all you doped up creeps who want to see him done for war crimes?

True. I'd just rather see him assassinated by someone whose family were wiped out by some of the appalling things he sanctioned.


Would it be worth the time and effort involved in finding the assassin given the thousands of 'suspects' given that the cost would come out of the 'public purse' ?


A case of " Oh dear, what a pity , never mind" perhaps?

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