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always a wise move to kiss ass i feel

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i just thank the holy god jesus christ our lord god bless him that these guys only spend money on defence. if they moved on to offence surely we`d all be fucked god bless them.




yes thank God for all the US military bases in Britain, we will already be on somebody's map as invaded so no need to invade again on some trumped up pretext like the Brits actually doing stuff independently on the say so of a jumped up dictator like the Queen.


Thanks to God the US never found out about the Morecambe Bay gas fields or else they would have bombed us back to the stone age/brought us democracy and freedom.

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i just thank the holy god jesus christ our lord god bless him that these guys only spend money on defence. if they moved on to offence surely we`d all be fucked god bless them.




yes thank God for all the US military bases in Britain, we will already be on somebody's map as invaded so no need to invade again on some trumped up pretext like the Brits actually doing stuff independently on the say so of a jumped up dictator like the Queen.


Thanks to God the US never found out about the Morecambe Bay gas fields or else they would have bombed us back to the stone age/brought us democracy and freedom.



Last time I passed through Morecambe it looked like it was already was back in the stone age.

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We were glad of them in 1941, by Christ.

And I'd much rather we are with them than against them.


Were you even alive in 1941? Isn't it time to move on and forget about contrived stories and contrived "wars" ?


Or is asking why are they still here, some kind of disrepectful blasphemy?

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We were glad of them in 1941, by Christ.

And I'd much rather we are with them than against them.


Were you even alive in 1941? Isn't it time to move on and forget about contrived stories and contrived "wars" ?


Or is asking why are they still here, some kind of disrepectful blasphemy?



I've read some conspiracy stories in my time but never one that included WWII as being "contrived" war.


Would you care to expand on that?

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We were glad of them in 1941, by Christ.

And I'd much rather we are with them than against them.


Were you even alive in 1941? Isn't it time to move on and forget about contrived stories and contrived "wars" ?


Or is asking why are they still here, some kind of disrepectful blasphemy?



I've read some conspiracy stories in my time but never one that included WWII as being "contrived" war.


Would you care to expand on that?


I would respectfully suggest you are not widely read at all


The proof is a book call Propaganda in the next war written in 1938 by a Captain Sydney Rogerson


As if that is not enough you could visit Bletchley Park the forerunner of GCHQ where they freely admit the place was bought for operations in 1938

for entertainment watch the imitation game about Alan Turing but take the dates of the story with a pinch of salt

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