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always a wise move to kiss ass i feel

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We were glad of them in 1941, by Christ.

And I'd much rather we are with them than against them.


Were you even alive in 1941? Isn't it time to move on and forget about contrived stories and contrived "wars" ?


Or is asking why are they still here, some kind of disrepectful blasphemy?



I've read some conspiracy stories in my time but never one that included WWII as being "contrived" war.


Would you care to expand on that?


I would respectfully suggest you are not widely read at all


The proof is a book call Propaganda in the next war written in 1938 by a Captain Sydney Rogerson


As if that is not enough you could visit Bletchley Park the forerunner of GCHQ where they freely admit the place was bought for operations in 1938

for entertainment watch the imitation game about Alan Turing but take the dates of the story with a pinch of salt


You are most welcome Andy Onchan


David Icke,William Cooper and George Carlin are good reading/videos for starters


If you are looking for stimulating truthful websites then please use something a little more imaginative than google/NSA/GCHQ for your "news" searches

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here is a another version of who umbrella man was

It's funny that film - the idea that the world is run be secret societies, imaginary elites and satanists. All bent on world domination. It's a perspective which is very much influenced by 20th century popular fiction.


Apart from obviously appealing to a few people who are inherently contrarian and difficult, people enjoy this conspiracy stuff in the same way as the Victorians liked Christmas ghost stories and Ouija boards.

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like you had enough time to actually watch the film examine the evidence and think carefully perhaps compare it to other sources.........................hmmm

I watched it earlier this year.


Almost nothing which he says is substantiated. And unsubstantiated assumptions become the basis for further unsubstantiated assumptions. It's academically very weak. He extrapolates grand theories from almost nothing. If you follow his line of thinking it is not based on anything.


And his forensic analysis of film and photographs is utter bollocks. Though I can see why it would appeal to millennials raised on CSI style nonsense.

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A quite interesting film, CrossRoss. I watched the first hour or so, but I couldn't be arsed to watch the rest, it's over 3 hours long. The thing is that the author makes some huge leaps to connect historical events, but at least in the part that I saw, didn't produce any primary sources to substantiate the leaps he was making. I would personally treat it as a collection of QI facts, and dismiss the overall thesis as theorising.

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I watched it earlier this year.



And his forensic analysis of film and photographs is utter bollocks.


can you substantiate where you came across the film? if you have watched it before


coming from a guy who thinks a chap with an umbrella put up on a sunny clear day standing near where a president has his brains blown out to protest about neville chamberlain makes perfect sense...............


next you will be saying bobbie el chimpo bobster is a comedy genius

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can you substantiate where you came across the film? if you have watched it before

I don't need to. The part about the way in which the shadows seem less blurred (less unsharp) in the out of focus areas of that 8mm footage is not a mystery. His analysis is silly. It is normal for the shadows of people and the ground itself to appear relatively more sharp. Partly because we perceive sharpness as a facet of contrast - and shadows in harsh light are dense and contrasty. And partly because people move relatively more than their shadows at a distance (parts of the body move within the shadow area for example without breaking the outline). And the ground is stationary. That 1960s Kodak stock was 25 ASA. Even in bright sunshine that required a relatively slow shutter speed.

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