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Armed robbery at Strang Stores


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Never mind - the new scheme they have devised to 'do' you for minor car defects in roadside checks and then make you go back to the Police Station and show the officer who did you that you've now had the defect fixed will really free up a lot of Police time to focus on this sort of violent robbing scum.

I totally agree. The working population who (have to) travel to work by car are too much of an easy target for the cops to miss out on.

Not to mention the time wasted doing the re-checks when more serious crime is going on.


It's the IOM public sector all over. Saving money has become all about raising more revenue from the people already paying your wages, post a load of shit on Twitter to make yourself look busy, and behind the front you have created (that only you believe in) everything is turning to shit.

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Never mind - the new scheme they have devised to 'do' you for minor car defects in roadside checks and then make you go back to the Police Station and show the officer who did you that you've now had the defect fixed will really free up a lot of Police time to focus on this sort of violent robbing scum.

I totally agree. The working population who (have to) travel to work by car are too much of an easy target for the cops to miss out on.
Not to mention the time wasted doing the re-checks when more serious crime is going on.


It's the IOM public sector all over. Saving money has become all about raising more revenue from the people already paying your wages, post a load of shit on Twitter to make yourself look busy, and behind the front you have created (that only you believe in) everything is turning to shit.

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to be honest, this stuff doesn't really happen much on our beautiful Island


It's not an everyday occurrence thankfully but theft/robbery does appear to be more frequent than I ever remember. The police cuts are the worse thing they have ever done, when the cats away the mice will play.

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maybe in future they will leave the drop box secured in its docking bracket until they lock the door, then do the cashing up !

A bit harsh. You have a point but we are forever being told by Bell & co that there is no crime and we live in the land of milk and honey, and also we have growth alongside China. Maybe his constant stream of bullshit is designed to robotically groom the population and distract from other socio-economic problems



Allan Bell is responsible for the robberies now?

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to be honest, this stuff doesn't really happen much on our beautiful Island


It's not an everyday occurrence thankfully but theft/robbery does appear to be more frequent than I ever remember. The police cuts are the worse thing they have ever done, when the cats away the mice will play.



That you remember or are being made more aware of through 24 hour rolling news channels, Facebook updates and Twitter feeds?

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to be honest, this stuff doesn't really happen much on our beautiful Island


It's not an everyday occurrence thankfully but theft/robbery does appear to be more frequent than I ever remember. The police cuts are the worse thing they have ever done, when the cats away the mice will play.

More so since they've reduced the job seekers allowance.

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to be honest, this stuff doesn't really happen much on our beautiful Island

Pretty sure that having beautiful countryside doesn't have much influence on crime here. Doesnt appear to make any difference accross. Maybe it's the fact we have fugly towns and villages but highly unlikely. More likely to hear the many local "have nots" using the excuse of the few tax dodging "haves" as an illogical reason.


Can't imagine a criminal thinking "I'm going to and commit burglary, I want something I don't want to work for." And then realising "Oh no, I simply must go and enjoy the beautiful countryside instead."


Perhaps we should blame it on that "Dark Skies" nonsense (that makes some here think we have more dark skies than England, Wales and Scotland put together, rather than a tourism board with too much time on its hands to push something thats free and which attracts next to no tourists)

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maybe in future they will leave the drop box secured in its docking bracket until they lock the door, then do the cashing up !

A bit harsh. You have a point but we are forever being told by Bell & co that there is no crime and we live in the land of milk and honey, and also we have growth alongside China. Maybe his constant stream of bullshit is designed to robotically groom the population and distract from other socio-economic problems



Allan Bell is responsible for the robberies now?



I heard he was a turd burglar.

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maybe in future they will leave the drop box secured in its docking bracket until they lock the door, then do the cashing up !


A bit harsh. You have a point but we are forever being told by Bell & co that there is no crime and we live in the land of milk and honey, and also we have growth alongside China. Maybe his constant stream of bullshit is designed to robotically groom the population and distract from other socio-economic problems

Allan Bell is responsible for the robberies now?

I heard he was a turd burglar.

Boom, boom, tish! Shit troll makes half assed attempt at joke. Sadly it was a tumbleweed moment ...

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