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House burglary in Ramsey - make sure those doors and windows are secured people...



** Burglary - Barrule Park, Ramsey **

Between 7.30am & 12pm on Wednesday 4th November 2015 a burglary has occurred in the Barrule Park area of Ramsey.
Between those times it is believed that person(s) unknown have entered an address via an insecure front door and taken a quantity of cash along with a Playstation 4 and games.
Did you see anyone in the area acting suspicious, have you been offered a PS4 or any PS4 games?
If you have any information please contact PC.314 Sally Hardy at Ramsey Police Station on 812234 / 631212 or alternatively Crime Stoppers on 0800555111.


From Isle of Man Constabulary Northern Neighbourhood Policing Team FB page.

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House burglary in Ramsey - make sure those doors and windows are secured people...




** Burglary - Barrule Park, Ramsey **

Between 7.30am & 12pm on Wednesday 4th November 2015 a burglary has occurred in the Barrule Park area of Ramsey.

Between those times it is believed that person(s) unknown have entered an address via an insecure front door and taken a quantity of cash along with a Playstation 4 and games.

Did you see anyone in the area acting suspicious, have you been offered a PS4 or any PS4 games?

If you have any information please contact PC.314 Sally Hardy at Ramsey Police Station on 812234 / 631212 or alternatively Crime Stoppers on 0800555111.


From Isle of Man Constabulary Northern Neighbourhood Policing Team FB page.

Insecure front door? That's the best politically correct phrase I've seen so far for 'Idiot who forgot to lock their house'

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another attempted robbery at Newbys last night. Shitbags

Couldn't agree more. However, could this be a copy cat incident, or something following on from the breakins earlier this year. It is commonly accepted that the police can't cope or manage, and also police cutbacks have played a part. Serious questions need to be raised, if the culprit (s) is are found, they need to be seriously punished, not slapped in the wrist.
Never mind - the new scheme they have devised to 'do' you for minor car defects in roadside checks and then make you go back to the Police Station and show the officer who did you that you've now had the defect fixed will really free up a lot of Police time to focus on this sort of violent robbing scum.

The police can't win. Look at this page at times and other social media outlets people whinge about cars with headlights out. Of course it's easy to catch the drivers these robberies are unpredictable and if someone wants to rob somewhere they will. Short of having a police officer outside every building on the island what can you do? Here's an idea instead of spouting off on an anonymous page why not join the police or the specials? You have the answers so give it a go.

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another attempted robbery at Newbys last night. Shitbags

Couldn't agree more. However, could this be a copy cat incident, or something following on from the breakins earlier this year. It is commonly accepted that the police can't cope or manage, and also police cutbacks have played a part. Serious questions need to be raised, if the culprit (s) is are found, they need to be seriously punished, not slapped in the wrist.
Never mind - the new scheme they have devised to 'do' you for minor car defects in roadside checks and then make you go back to the Police Station and show the officer who did you that you've now had the defect fixed will really free up a lot of Police time to focus on this sort of violent robbing scum.

The police can't win. Look at this page at times and other social media outlets people whinge about cars with headlights out. Of course it's easy to catch the drivers these robberies are unpredictable and if someone wants to rob somewhere they will. Short of having a police officer outside every building on the island what can you do? Here's an idea instead of spouting off on an anonymous page why not join the police or the specials? You have the answers so give it a go.

Maybe they should just stop responding to moaners on social media then? But I suppose after a hard days Twittering it's hard not to notice moaners feedback on minor issues. How, when they claim they are under resourced, is that process going to free up any more time to focus on real crime? It won't. Rather than just giving someone a ticket now you have all the extra time drained on follow up checks and follow up actions as well. For something as simple as a broken light bulb or missing windscreen wiper. No wonder they can't track burglars.

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The Investors in People accreditation IOM Police have seems to have been gained under false pretences and has largely been a waste of time & resources.


It's no wonder the taxpayer and public are questioning the efficacy of police operations when resources could be better spent actually policing!

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When it's policing by results you're after, then motorists are the easiest target of all and will bring guaranteed results - every time. It's a form of positive feedback and very attractive if you're looking to tick boxes, measure results, manage stats, keep the politicos happy and target limited staff resources. It's easy policing. All (unless they're breaking the law) motorists are registered, taxed, licensed and insured, and records can be accessed in seconds. They all use the same roads, so unlike burglars you know where to catch them. There are dozens of ways in which to break the law whilst driving, so the police have plenty of options, all the communication technology and plenty of vehicles to get out there and do the job. The courts will back them up every time with near enough 100% convictions and heavy sentencing. Unlike chasing burglars, you could send a monkey out there and he'd come back with his new police I-pad full of names, addresses, and registration numbers.


My hunch is that the police are defeating themselves in catching the burglars. Have they become so obsessed with management systems, values, 'corporate culture' and procedures that they've become detached from the actual and real job of policing ?

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My hunch is that the police are defeating themselves in catching the burglars. Have they become so obsessed with management systems, values, 'corporate culture' and procedures that they've become detached from the actual and real job of policing ?




(+1 by the way for the whole post)

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My hunch is that the police are defeating themselves in catching the burglars. Have they become so obsessed with management systems, values, 'corporate culture' and procedures that they've become detached from the actual and real job of policing ?


That was the point I was trying to get to, and it's right across IOMG. It's not about specifically doing anything anymore - it's about making up useless KPIs which people can then sign off to say theyve achieved so that your departments annual report or your individual appraisal looks good. So everyone picks on all the crappy low hanging fruit and miraculously your 'success' rate goes right up, and you can sign off in a nice dashboard how successful your department has been in meeting all these useless KPIs its made up. The more KPIs you hit the more "core objectives" you can sign off that the department has met and the more pay rises the managers can line up for meeting their "key objectives". So it becomes easier to issue a ticket for a broken headlamp (crime solved - action taken), than it is to deal with a burglary (oh dear - they've pissed off, crime not solved statistic lodged). The reality is though that what is actually going on in the Island is getting worse across the board (crime, environment, public services, public sector service delivery) but the statistics are showing that everyone is working so hard and that things are getting much better.

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House burglary in Ramsey - make sure those doors and windows are secured people...



** Burglary - Barrule Park, Ramsey **

Between 7.30am & 12pm on Wednesday 4th November 2015 a burglary has occurred in the Barrule Park area of Ramsey.

Between those times it is believed that person(s) unknown have entered an address via an insecure front door and taken a quantity of cash along with a Playstation 4 and games.

Did you see anyone in the area acting suspicious, have you been offered a PS4 or any PS4 games?

If you have any information please contact PC.314 Sally Hardy at Ramsey Police Station on 812234 / 631212 or alternatively Crime Stoppers on 0800555111.

From Isle of Man Constabulary Northern Neighbourhood Policing Team FB page.

Insecure front door? That's the best politically correct phrase I've seen so far for 'Idiot who forgot to lock their house'


And this is the sort of ''idiot'' post written by someone who doesn't know the facts. The husband had gone to work but the wife was still at home, just in a different room, when some opportunistic little spunk bubble(s) walked in and helped themselves. Nobody forgot to lock the door, just didn't realize you had to lock your wife in the house when you went to work so that some fucked up little junky wasn't able to fund his next fix with your property.

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House burglary in Ramsey - make sure those doors and windows are secured people...



** Burglary - Barrule Park, Ramsey **

Between 7.30am & 12pm on Wednesday 4th November 2015 a burglary has occurred in the Barrule Park area of Ramsey.

Between those times it is believed that person(s) unknown have entered an address via an insecure front door and taken a quantity of cash along with a Playstation 4 and games.

Did you see anyone in the area acting suspicious, have you been offered a PS4 or any PS4 games?

If you have any information please contact PC.314 Sally Hardy at Ramsey Police Station on 812234 / 631212 or alternatively Crime Stoppers on 0800555111.


From Isle of Man Constabulary Northern Neighbourhood Policing Team FB page.

Insecure front door? That's the best politically correct phrase I've seen so far for 'Idiot who forgot to lock their house'

And this is the sort of ''idiot'' post written by someone who doesn't know the facts. The husband had gone to work but the wife was still at home, just in a different room, when some opportunistic little spunk bubble(s) walked in and helped themselves. Nobody forgot to lock the door, just didn't realize you had to lock your wife in the house when you went to work so that some fucked up little junky wasn't able to fund his next fix with your property.

Were they deaf as well as not being able to lock a door?

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