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war is a racket

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its a shitty day so i would implore anyone with a bit of time on their hands to read this fascinating disturbing insight. written in 1935 its still as relevant as ever right now. it could almost have been written yesterday, only the figures and settings change really. considering the time it was written, major general smedley butler has a courage i could only ever dream of.http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html



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He makes some interesting points although, given when it was written and the extent to which people were dying, it's hard to really pin wars on large corporations because they make a few quid.


I agree with the sentiment of what is written though. And I agree, in some respects it really could have been written now.

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it's hard to really pin wars on large corporations because they make a few quid.



Really? You only have to look at the Politicians and the Generals barking to go to war, then look at which arms dealer or military equipment supplier they are on the board of or are non execs of.

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It's a bi product of war. Not a reason to go to war.


Sadly, wars happen. Some areas of the world are simply not happy unless they are fighting. Middle East a prime example.


For me the worst wars are happening in Africa where there are a small minority with monopolised wealth keeping the rest of the country down and in poverty. Things could be so much better in certain countries there instead of the daily battle to survive.

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where there are a small minority with monopolised wealth keeping the rest of the country down and in poverty. Things could be so much better in certain countries there instead of the daily battle to survive.


Sounds a bit like here, with the privileged few pocketing fortunes off the state in salaries and pensions whilst making cutbacks from the poor, which equate to peanuts in comparison.

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Its interesting that it was written before the start of the second world war . Certainly doesn't fit with the narrative I was taught at school, at home and basically all around me throughout my life. Russia actually won the war in terms of defeating the Germans but the usa were certainly the winners out of the war, which marked the end of the British empire and the beginning of the American one. We haven't really learned too much so I find it a bit hard to take round about now when the poppy nazis are out in force, the media slating corbyn for not bowing his head enough whilst photoshopping a poppy onto camerons blazer.. The whole event has been hijacked by war mongerers, which I find quite insulting to the memories of the genuine heroes who died in this and the numerous other racketeering conflict since the war to end all wars ended with the words Lest we Forget

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It's a bi product of war. Not a reason to go to war.

Rubbish. War is a business, and if there isn't a war, just start one (either directly or by proxy) and then watch the profits roll in.


So you genuinely think that the Argies and Britain sat down over a glass of Red one night and said "you know what, we need a fucking good war. A few of our companies are skint and we need to spend some money with them".


Right oh.

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It's a bi product of war. Not a reason to go to war.

Rubbish. War is a business, and if there isn't a war, just start one (either directly or by proxy) and then watch the profits roll in.


So you genuinely think that the Argies and Britain sat down over a glass of Red one night and said "you know what, we need a fucking good war. A few of our companies are skint and we need to spend some money with them".


Right oh.



Falklands, maybe not. Although the French made plenty of money selling Exocet to the Argies.


But if you look any conflict after 9/11 and wonder who made serious cheddar from those conflicts...

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