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war is a racket

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more uk veterans of the falklands war have killed themselves since the end of it than actually died during it


Governments do seem better at creating veterans than caring for them...


This is true. And a disgrace. Priorities seem to be wildly skewed when it comes to deciding who is deserving of resources.

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With each sortie costing upwards of £800,000 a time, can we really justify bombing another Middle Eastern country we have no business getting involved in?

Not really, considering it's all being done already by others bigger and better to no avail. Airstrikes don't change anything.

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With each sortie costing upwards of £800,000 a time, can we really justify bombing another Middle Eastern country we have no business getting involved in?

Not really, considering it's all being done already by others bigger and better to no avail. Airstrikes don't change anything.



Wont stop David Cameron getting on his war horse and throwing billions on the bonfire (or more accurately to his mates who site on the boards of arms manufacturers)

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With each sortie costing upwards of £800,000 a time, can we really justify bombing another Middle Eastern country we have no business getting involved in?




Well that's a well reasoned response.


Care to clarify how spending billions on bombing people in another country (people I might add who haven't attack the UK/Isle of Man yet) is somehow justified in this age of austerity?

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it's hard to really pin wars on large corporations because they make a few quid.

I imagine you think 2+3 = 5 is hard.

Where as you are entering a discussion you know fuck all about clearly.


you post such cretinous nonsense you remind me of manxman1980


Who could ever imagine a company dealing in slaves, drugs or arms to make some money? Who could ever imagine one country trumping up an excuse to invade another country steal all their resources (usually oil) then impoverish the people with "free trade agreements" (modern slavery), then feed those same people with crappy un-nutritious food then when they get sick addle them with crappy drugs with more side effects than a course of thalidomide.


Keep watching x factor and eastenders, eating McDonalds and getting your anti-depressant prescriptions - you will be just fine

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i havent got the figures for mattell yet but their die cast apache helicopter gunship gonna go down a real storm as stocking fillers for my daughter from father crimbo this year. fucking awesome dad! , she cooed to me earlier. shes right and so is my much decorated tree hugging dole claiming mate sheldon


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