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war is a racket

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With each sortie costing upwards of £800,000 a time, can we really justify bombing another Middle Eastern country we have no business getting involved in?




Well that's a well reasoned response.


Care to clarify how spending billions on bombing people in another country (people I might add who haven't attack the UK/Isle of Man yet) is somehow justified in this age of austerity?


having a stake in an oil company an arms company or a drug company might do it.


after all you are only killing poor brown people and everybody knows they do not count

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only 7 years behind schedule and 163 billion dollars over budget, the f-35 lightning is an absolutely awesome looking aircraft,although plagued by problems throughout its design life, some may say a lucky co incidence george osborne decided to splash the tax credits of some no doubt worthless plebs on buying 138 of them, thus helping those nice chaps at lockheed out of a little mess. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/11/23/uk-britain-defence-idUKKBN0TB0AF20151123

due to their stealth design, there are quite a few concerns about their dogfighting ability, more suited to taking out say, russian made early warning systems and anti aircraft ground targets than isis's small but well trained long range pterodactyl bomber squadrons, could also come in handy should isis by any sheer fluke of good fortune have managed to get their hands on any of these


i just hope vlad sees it all as coincidence should these american made weapons start shooting down any russian aircraft.

anyway who cares, its a fucking cool plane, ive already ordered a matchbox replica for the daughter and i to do together when she's a bit older.

the p-8 maritime patrol craft in comparison is pretty boring not really that cool but far more effective than the f-35 in its actual role, coincidentally, hunting say, russian submarines maybe, but im reasonably certain the nine ordered by the uk are for tracking isis in their turban powered welded together skips.


a happy christmas to all next month

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UK to buy 135 JSF to be used in rapid reaction strike forces all over the world to fight terrorism and ISIS.


Can't see how that's going to help if a bomb goes off in a London high street...


And even then we wont be getting them for 5-10 years...


Somebody is making bank off the events in Paris...

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