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Tory minister accused of 'insulting' the poor apologises for telling families hit by tax credit cuts to 'go without' pay-TV


Too bad she's butt ugly and caved in and apoligised. I am sure tens of millions of other Britons agree with her sentiment.


Why should we work all day to pay for lazy chavs to sit at home and watch Sky TV all day?

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So they're not out stealing someone else's TV! Why else 'would she' apologise.


Edited to add the above: and the following.


If they're at home watching Jeremy Kyle, they ain't robbing your house whilst you are at work, paying them to do it.


And yes both parts are sarcastic. :-)

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So they're not out stealing someone else's TV! Why else 'would she' apologise.


Edited to add the above: and the following.


If they're at home watching Jeremy Kyle, they ain't robbing your house whilst you are at work, paying them to do it.


And yes both parts are sarcastic. :-)


If they're at home watching Jeremy Kyle, not working, and living off my tax money, then yes they are effectively robbing me and every other hardowrking taxpayer while we're at work. A percentage of every hour or every minute of our work is going to pay for these wankers to live their deadbeat lifestyle of no work and living off others. And unlike Tracey Crouch, I'm not going to apologise for saying the truth. If the truth offends anyone, all I can say is - GET A JOB.

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Hey, I'm actually agreeing with you! Why should I or anyone else go to work to pay for others just to sit at home doing nothing.


Well actually I could answer that myself, would you want someone who's 'workshy' anywhere near a business?


So the question is, how do you get the 'unwilling to work' to be willing to work? That's what needs to be addressed.

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Lots of these "poor" people who can;t be arsed working can afford more than one holiday a year, full Sky subscription, a car, dogs, cats, takeaways. Who is paying for that? People who can be arsed working. The whole system is rotten.


It's called socialism.

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Lots of these "poor" people who can;t be arsed working can afford more than one holiday a year, full Sky subscription, a car, dogs, cats, takeaways. Who is paying for that? People who can be arsed working. The whole system is rotten.


It's called socialism.


and we are where we are because of this "socialism", give the bastards food stamps,and fuck all else.

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Means testing would help. "What are your outgoings"? Fags, beer, drugs, motorhome payments, holidays on credit, subscription TV etc. not included.


Promised by CoMin and not delivered.


Although I sometimes wonder exactly how many of these career spongers and 4x4 factories we REALLY have. I suspect a handful at most.

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Means testing would help. "What are your outgoings"? Fags, beer, drugs, motorhome payments, holidays on credit, subscription TV etc. not included.


Promised by CoMin and not delivered.


Although I sometimes wonder exactly how many of these career spongers and 4x4 factories we REALLY have. I suspect a handful at most.

Dont' get out much from counting your coffee beans?

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It is about the visible (the camper van parked outside, etc) and the invisible (who struggle day to day), but they are all lumped together. Means testing has to be the right thing.


I honestly don't know about that. Why would means testing help? I think we have to look at the first point at which they seek benefits and ask, can this person work or are they just a lazy fucker? I believe benefits should go to people who need them and not just anyone who wants them.

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