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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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I'd say raqqa is pretty fucked no matter what happens. Ours is a purely token gesture to get a share of the spoils. Its about time we realised just what an inconsequential force we really are. Dave is sort of making out British forces are really needed in this bombathon, citing the brimstone missile " even the Americans don't have" I suppose he is right in that respect but our great friends and allies, Saudi Arabia do posses them. And are using them

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The big advantage of Brimstone is that it is highly effective but with a small blast area. This makes it ideal to deal with targets in urban areas as there is less collateral damage.


Interesting that Call Me Dave mentioned the Septics don't have them as they are made by a US company. That tells me the US military didn't rate them for the asking price.

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We've been bombing a growing list of countries since 9/11 yet not one bomb has been dropped on Saudi Arabia, the leading promoter of terrorism against us. We should call for international sanctions on them until they stop it. Iran has had sanctions imposed on them for much less.

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When a terrorist state like Saudi Arabia executes people for terrorism, it probably means they're moderate democrats who want to see their country become a democracy. They'd probably never even harm a fly. Saudi Arabia is a country that executes (I say murders) women for being raped, for dishonouring the men who rape them, or puts women in prison for daring to drive a car without a male escorting them. Why are we friends with this country of terrorists? What ISIS do as vigilante scum is legal state policy in Saudi Arabia.

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I'll never get over this




Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.


In a rare criticism of the kingdom's powerful "mutaween" police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.

Sick bastards.

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Remind us again what President Assad did. For as long as I've kept up with current affairs, Syria was always a moderate country with a moderate government where lots of disparate ethnic and religious groups lived side by side. It was not perfect and Assad does look like a meerkat, but it was hardly befitting of being bombed to the stone age. He got accused of using some chemical weapons on civilians but it later emerged this was done by ISIS. So why are we wanting to topple Assad?

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