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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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I do wonder how much focus the ISIS 'caliphate' gives the religious fanatics, both home-grown and imported? They certainly provide training and logistics. Personally I'm all in favour of radicalised fruitcakes converging on ISIS as it makes for a target rich environment.


So perhaps destroying it would help calm the situation down. Hopefully we'll find out...

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We are in a bind though because the more we throw into attacking ISIS, the more they will squeal about the infidel crusaders and the more sympathy they will engender among the Muslim populations at home. It is inconceivable that Cameron and Hollande don't realise that. It's a rock and a hard place.

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Hasn't that always been the case though? Perpetual war for perpetual peace. Has been so since time immemorial. Substitute one group for another group throughout history then rinse and repeat. It's human nature and also how the powerful maintain their power.

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Good to see the British "media" managed to all but avoid the anti-war protests in London.


In other news 4Impact are out of X-Factor...

Yeah, sure.




Link3 ... and this one in its print section




I don't think you can get much more mainstream media than the BBC, the Express, the Guardian, BT and Yahoo.

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While we're posting links, here are some that show Muslims are not our enemy and Islamic State is not Islamic at all and we need to stop calling it that.


Russia Today - British Muslim leaders issue fatwa against ISIS



Russia Today - 24 reasons ISIS are wrong: Muslim scholars blast Islamic State



This can all be confirmed with other media sources. Here's one from Chinahand's favourite:


BBC News - UK imams condemn Isis in online video



This was all over a year ago, similar was done after 9/11, yet still we hear people asking why Muslims aren't speaking out or claiming most Muslims silently support ISIS. They have spoken out and most Muslims do not support ISIS. Please click on the 24 reasons ISIS are wrong link. The Muslim scholars show why ISIS is not Islamic.

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They pick and choose the bits they like, like every religious person, including the people who say "they're not real muslims" "they're not real Christians" etc.


Everyone picks and chooses what they like. It's not just religion. People pick and choose what they see in the world around them by what newspaper they read, what news channel they watch, what kind of people they associate with, which supermarket they go to. That's life for you, people are naturally drawn to build bubbles around them to make life more managable and easier to cope with. If we were 24/7 aware of all the bad in the world, we'd lose our nut.


I do think there are some basic things that do let you know if someone is a "real" Muslim or Christian. For example, a Muslim must believe in God and that Muhammad is his messenger. A Christian must believe in Jesus. They might have differences of opinion and practice, but there are some basic things. Going against the teachings of Muhammad or Jesus would make you a non-Muslim or non-Christian, or at most a very bad Muslim or Christian.

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Everyone picks and chooses what they like. It's not just religion. People pick and choose what they see in the world around them by what newspaper they read, what news channel they watch, what kind of people they associate with, which supermarket they go to. That's life for you, people are naturally drawn to build bubbles around them to make life more managable and easier to cope with. If we were 24/7 aware of all the bad in the world, we'd lose our nut.

I would certainly agree that those with limited intelligence, powers of reasoning, short attention span, are indecisive and so forth are as you describe.


There was someone who posted on here under the pseudonym 'Thomas Jefferson' who was just like that. What a remarkable coincidence that you can describe him so precisely...

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