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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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Once again, your posts offer no clue as to what you think any alternatives might be.


Maybe we start with sanctions on Saudi Arabia.


Then agree that Saudi Arabia must stop arming IS.


Then negotiations between the Syrian Government, Russia and the "Allies" to try and resolve the internal Syrian issue which will rob IS of their fertile recruiting and operating space.


Then work with the Syrian Government to remove IS from Syria (rather than trying to do it all ourselves).


...or we could engage in war efforts in yet another Middle Eastern country (what is that military truism about not fighting on multiple fronts?) and waste billions of tax payer money creating a stronger enemy out of IS


(copied from my own post...that you "liked")




Just in case you decide to unlike my previous post...

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Is anyone else fed up hearing about the middle east? The day they nuke the entire region and turn it into a car park there will be people celebrating in the streets. The place has been the cause of most of the wars in history and is where most of the dumb religions got invented. I vote for bombing Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. That'll shut up the religious lot once and for all.

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Has Cameron indicated he'll exclusively bomb ISIS and not further push the agenda of Washington to oust Assad?


He wont apologise for labelling anyone who is anti-bombing a terrorist sympathiser...what do you reckon he'll do if we "accidently" bomb some Syrian Government forces?

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There aren't any workable alternatives to direct action, anything less would be appeasement which would certainly fit in with the supremacist IS narrative.



If you can't tell the difference between a diplomatic solution which doesn't result in massive loss of life and appeasement, you are just as bad as Cameron.

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Listening to radio4 on the back of Wooleys license fee again today, the shit(aka bellicose rhetoric) those mp's are coming out with is quite astounding, my only light relief is is trying to imagine our own mhk's "debating" those self same points. camerons " if we dont do this we will all die after watching the rape of our children" angle is up there on a par with anything phil the gawne can dream up. a 10 hour debate when they already know what they are going to do? perhaps if there were a clause in the vote preventing anyone who voted for war from ever taking a paid position in an arms manufacturing firm may have altered a few already decided voters choices. either way, what a complete bunch of bellends. bellends that will never have to live amongst the consequences of their decisions. first cameron wanted to bomb assad,wasn't allowed,that must of hurt his ego a little, so then onto IS, thenISIL, then ISIS, now he wants to bomb the Drug Advice Service and Helpline too? the man's a maniac egotist in the Tony Blair mould

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The place has been the cause of most of the wars in history...


That would be the British and American Empires...



How many people died in history over religious wars? All of that religion was imported from the middle east. I never heard of Buddhism causing crusades and jihads or massacres.


How many wars is America involved in on behalf of their masters in Israel? Again that is all about a stone age middle eastern religion where one tribe thinks they're the chosen people. Utter shite if you ask me or any tenants of a local scumbag who is one of the chosen people. Nobody is buying it anymore except the Americans.

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Seeing as American, French and Russian bombing has increased the IS threat in the area (some reports say almost doubling their strength in the area, what is the RAF's piddly 8 Tornados operating out of Cyprus going to achieve?


I am willing to bet there are bombs on jet wings sat on the pan just waiting to launch the second Cameron's grin starts cracking.

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apologies to all for the RT link but the beeb or fox news carry no mention of this as yet. my guess is its not isis

All over BBC now.


"There may be up to three gunmen, she said, and they were heavily armed and possibly wearing body armour."


If it was Europe I'd guess Isis. But as it's America I'm guessing grumpy school kids.

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