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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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erm that probably isn't clear.


F = 6th number of the alphabet

0 = 15th letter of the alphabet 1+5 = 6

X = 24th number of the alphabet 2+4 = 6


Hence Fox = 666 a rather notorious number

Oh right. I think that's a little harsh on the Beast to accuse him of being behind Fox News.

I do thank them for this though


Especially since I will be telling mine to make use of the diversion to run like fuck

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Does anyone feel safer with the current gathering in the Middle east?.


We are told this is for our safety, bearing in mind that if this is true and our safety is their concern then they are seeking to improve our odds against death by "TERROR", presently of 1 in 20 million chance, yes considerably better odds than taking a course of treatment form your doctor, medical negligence seems to be a better killer than ISIS.


I can only come to the conclusion that (a) they have slightly over reacted here, or (b) there is a hidden agenda. I know many will dismiss the later, but this past month some people labelled "conspiracy" reporters have been proven to be not so mad., especially when is comes to ISIS and their income source, it seems the Russians have exposed this very nicely.


The Media is knowingly and fully complicit in this and I think will eventually be held accountable for their role in the duping of the public, to bring us into a planned global conflict that will see the death of millions and change the world as we know it.

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Oh goodness, Gerrydandridge and his demon haunted world. Credulous, superstitious and looking for numerology and hidden signs to tell him when the world is going to end.


Gerry, when you look at the history of the world what do you see? I'm talking about really big picture sort of stuff - Ancient Egyptian civilisation, Minoan, Greek, Alexander the Great, Roman, the rise of Christianity into and out of the Dark Ages (ok early Medieval period), Feudalism, the Black Death, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, Colonialism, the World Wars, decolonisation, globablisation. That, obviously, is a hugely Euro-centric mix, a Chinese one would be something like - Foundations, Warring states, Qin victory and the first Emperor, Han consolidation, Nomad encroachment and internal collapse, revival and Tang glory, southern migration northern weakness, Mongol dominance, Ming isolation, Qing invasion and expansion, Qing Decline, colonisation and the century of humiliation ending in Nationalism, civil war, communism, chaos and then reform, opening up and economic revival; you could do something similar with India, the Middle East, various parts of Africa, South America etc.



I will keep it Temporal for fear of losing credibility (LOL). nor do i intend to send your thread off in another direction. But for some time now I have had a new thread in mind that I cannot decide on how to start it off, without causing offence to the conditioned among us.


I see a very worrying global situation, that seems to have been prophesied many years ago and unlike the psychopathic leaderships of the past, this new lot apparently have some nasty toys at hand that the others did not possess in our apparent history.. However I don't think it will be the end of the world for all of us as there are many reasons to believe that the nuclear bomb is in fact a psychological weapon and in reality such a weapon does not exist outside of our minds. Lets hope so anyway. The 2 dropped on Japan appear to be fake and these Japanese cities where the buildings were mainly made from paper and wood were simply fire bombed and the media propaganda filled the gap.


End of the world No, but standing on something sinking is probably very apt indeed.


BTW: The people that are wrongly labeled as "Elite" are very much into Symbology and Numerology, its in all of their writings, and as a recent example catch the head of the IMFs speech last year (below), very thought provoking indeed..what was that all about?..... "As you can tell I do as I am told", Yes I believe she and the others certainly do, do as they are told, this is the head of the IMF she then goes on about numerology.....




that's you told china! belter x

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Fox News is controlled from a town in Saudi Arabia.




Funnily enough, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, which owns Fox News, was 6.6% owned by Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal but this year he reduced his stake to 1%. But he still owns a 6.6% stake in 21st Century Fox.



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Rupert Murdoch is a "knight of Malta" , that's even more interesting.


People need to be aware on how the media manage to sway the option of the public, with fakery. .Google "Syrian Danny exposed", this one I remember from a couple of years ago...Thank you BBC, the impartial news reporter...





They have a puppet in every organisation and Government on the planet. Knight's of Columbus, Knight's of Malta, Shriner Freemasonry the Jesuits...All sons of Loyola..

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Errr you don't suppose Cameron not being pissed on from a great height about this "70,000 strong force" has anything to do with the fact that the vast majority of the UK press are rabidly right-wing?


I guess something has to counterbalance the BBC being rabidly left wing. Their distaste when having to report anything that doesn't fit this agenda is palpable.

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I could sing pie Jesus for a while, never did quite master walking in the air,I think he is fantastic on songs of praise but didn't quite realise he was into this sort of nutjob stuff too


having been brought up on a staple diet of commando comic books as a kid I do remember some parts of the trial of colonel Oliver north, didn't really make sense to me Tha they would put such an obviously proud military man on trial, no matter what he'd done, war was about winning at all costs. Years later I happened to learn that he was indeed just a scapegoat, thrown to the wolves as another very small part of a much bigger "affair". at best very dodgy arms dealing to a country and terrorist group supposedly off supposedly off limits, at worst responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic that ripped through inner cities in the US in the 80's


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Radicalised Muslims were causing issues to or in the uk long before the uk got involved in Syria.


that's not going to alter so the best solution is to take the fight to them.


So you don't think that there will be more issues from our involving ourselves militarily in Syria?


You think we will come out ahead by dropping bombs on people.


You don't know what the term cycle of violence means, do you?

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