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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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Just asking you to post up your "proof" that's all.


If they're as bad as you claim then it should be a breeze...


However do not forget that they have to provide "balanced" reporting. So eg if some rabidly right-wing bible-bashing tosser claims that food banks are unnecessary then the BBC have a duty to report on those who need them to feed themselves. Of course, those somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan will immediately cite this as "proof" that the BBC is bias.


Fortunately those with a balanced outlook see this charade for what it is...

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Just asking you to post up your "proof" that's all.


If they're as bad as you claim then it should be a breeze...


However do not forget that they have to provide "balanced" reporting. So eg if some rabidly right-wing bible-bashing tosser claims that food banks are unnecessary then the BBC have a duty to report on those who need them to feed themselves. Of course, those somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan will immediately cite this as "proof" that the BBC is bias.


Fortunately those with a balanced outlook see this charade for what it is...

I see the charade that is the BBC news output for what it is. I didn't think anyone saw it as anything but left biased. You astound me.

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What a massive post. What a massive waste of time and bandwidth.


Just skimmed it (usually whilst reading excessive verbiage my will to live just ebbs away) but let see here. Quotes from The Daily Wail, The Excess, The Torygraph etc etc.


That's somehow proof then? Good luck with that one.


I mean, recruitment via The Grauniad, owned by a Trust, probably the most middle-of-the-road newspaper in the UK. Makes a lot of sense to use them to me.


So Cassie, post up the next lot of "palpable left-wing bias" output by the Beeb. Then I'll believe you...

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If it's all so obvious then just post up the evidence! Go to the BBC website and quote a piece with why it demonstrates left-wing bias. Simples.


However there's no point posting up anything from the majority of the UK press. Sad but true. So when I post that most of the UK press is rabidly right-wing Woolley posts up that it's to "balance" the BBC output. Oh the irony!


Pretty much all the UK proprietors "meddle" in the editorial output to give it a right-wing bias. Go ahead, try and deny it. Please. With "balance" having nothing to do with it.


Now about the "70,000" on the ground ready to take the battle to ISIS. Tell me again why Cameron didn't have to put them on a trowel?


The BBC is the most "trusted" media brand on the planet. Not surprising when you look at the majority of the UK press.


Still, I'm prepared to change my viewpoint when all the "evidence" rolls in. That's evidence as in not an individuals opinion.


Away you go....

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I have never denied that much of the UK press has a right wing bias. They have no duty of neutrality and they are at liberty to run their editorial policy in line with the wishes of their proprietors, whatever their politics. Same goes for the Guardian which is at the opposite end of the political spectrum.


The BBC is different in that we all fund it, whatever our politics, and we are entitled to expect it to adhere to its duty to neutrality. Unfortunately, it is run by a liberal left wing clique who consistently push their own agenda, and actually believe that it is all gospel and any dissenting view is extreme. Cassie quoted ex-BBC people above as admitting as much after emerging into the real world.


The BBC WAS trusted around the globe. I think that this has been much diminished in recent times as its reputation has been trashed by its modern agenda. Considering its huge financial resources, BBC journalism today apart from being slanted, is banal, repetitive, condescending and generally of poor quality.

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