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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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It isn't just a left-wing bias. They also have an anti-Israel bias. Here's an example from only a couple of months ago:


'The BBC, the pinnacle of quality journalism, joined a string of world-renowned news networks to have grossly misreported a terror attack against Israelis. "Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two" read the headline on Saturday, failing to convey that the casualty was a terrorist who perpetrated a deadly stabbing and shooting attack, rather than an innocent victim.'




See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_BBC#Israeli.E2.80.93Palestinian_conflict for more background info. They've been taken to court for it and did a report which they have refused to publish.

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The commonality amongst all news outlets is not what is said but what is NOT said.

Personally I think "rolling" news has a lot to answer for in reducing reporting to snippets and soundbites. However the Beeb are increasing their main platform up to 45 mins.


My daily input is The i and R4 with Saturday Grauniad and PE every fortnight for depth.

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Israeli ''backlash'' rather than a country doing its best to defend itself


You honestly think Israel is defending itself don't you?


How sweet.


What is it doing then? Have you looked at the map? It isn't likely to push its enemies into the sea which is their avowed destiny for Israel.

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'Daesh' or 'Isil'?


"Daesh" is an Arabic acryonym for "Al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al-Sham", the full name of the group that calls itself Islamic State but formerly used to be Islamic Stateof Iraq and Levant, or Isil. The acronym is favoured by mainstream Muslims, who say the term "Islamic State" gives a religious dignity to what is simply a terrorist sect.


"Daesh" also sounds similar to the Arabic phrase "Dahes" - or "one who sows discord" - and as such is regarded as highly insulting by Isil followers. In July, a group of 120 British MPs wrote to Lord Hall, the director-general of the BBC, urging him to instruct his staff to use "Daesh" as well. Lord Hall said that would break BBC impartiality rules by giving viewers the impression that the BBC was explicitly supporting the group's opponents. ‘’

Dear me Cassie. Why did you edit out of the above paras the bit about the "typically pathetic BBC" - not a sudden lack of conviction surely????


OK - I'll play your little game.


The tory party (that well known bastion of fairness and equality for all UK citizens especially the weak and disadvantaged and not just tory voters - honest) indulge in their favourite sport of "Aunty Bashing". This is where they seize on any old BS to try and discredit that nest of communist vipers known as the BBC. They then feed it to their mates in the rabidly right-wing UK press to big it up as much as they can. So you end up with screeching Daily Wail headlines thus:


"Next you'll be 'impartial' about the Nazis! Cabinet fury as BBC refuses to stop using 'Islamic State' to be FAIR to the terror group"


which is essentially about f-all. You would hope that MP's had better things to do but apparently not.


Although as Wally Woolley has already pointed out the UK press are only rabidly right wing in order to counteract the poisonous Marxist-Leninist outpourings of the Beeb and it has nothing whatever to do with the agenda of the paper's owner.


Anyway 120 MP's did sign up to try and direct the Beeb to use the acronym "Daesh" and not IS or whatever. Yes it's an absolutely pathetic and absurd thing to do, as if anyone is unaware of what that bunch of murderous thugs are really all about. But they never miss an opportunity to do the broadcaster down.


Anyway for balance The Grauniad (aka "Pravda UK") published this on the matter:


"David Cameron stopped short of backing the calls for the term Daesh to be used, but described the use of the term Islamic State as “particularly offensive to many Muslims” and recommended that the BBC calls them Isis or Isil."


Lord Hall said the BBC recognised that the name Islamic State could “suggest that such a state exists and such an interpretation is misleading,” adding that the organisation preferred to use terms such as the “Islamic State group” or “so-called Islamic State” to make that clear.


He added “I doubt, given the context we provide in our reporting, that anyone listening could be in any doubt what kind of an organisation Islamic State is”.

Dear me, the lengths that they will go to in order to try and diss Aunty. Talk about inventing news. They whipped up storm in a teacup. It's just pathetic...


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Auntie doesn't need to invent news. She is just very selective about what she reports and slants it nicely to the left with her usual helping of feel good for the masses.


As for the right wing press, PK, don't put words in my mouth. I absolutely did not say that "the UK press are only rabidly right wing in order to counteract the poisonous Marxist-Leninist outpourings of the Beeb and it has nothing whatever to do with the agenda of the paper's owner." I have said that the press is at liberty to take the line its proprietors choose. He who pays the piper. The BBC has no such latitude, or at least it shouldn't have.

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