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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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"the reality of mass terrorist commando attacks on civilian populations."


Come live in the real world.



So one attack and we are under constant "mass" attacks from terrorist "commandos"?


I think you are the one that needs to stop drinking the kool-aid and join the real world.


The military and the police are not the well oiled machine you think they are. They are massive organisations with the in build human error in spades.


A real world "event" would be a debacle...that I guarantee.

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One attack!! How parochial are you, rmanx?


Moscow, Beslan, Mumbai, Nairobi, Kunming, Paris etc etc.


So other Paris, nothing has really happened with several thousand miles of us then?


Beslan and Moscow was Chechen Separatists/Islamic terrorists so hardly ISIS, and not exactly having a beef with the UK...that's Russia's problem.


Mumbai was linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba, from Pakistan and is India's problem.


Kunming was linked to Xinjiang Seperatists which is China's problem.


So if you look at it, not really our problem. You may call it parochial, but then are cities in South America turning themselves into military lock down zones because of ISIS terrorists? No of course not because they haven't involved themselves in this nonsense.

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They are massive organisations with the in build human error in spades.

At last you've said something I actually agree with, I'll ignore the previous sentence with in no way reflects my views.

A real world "event" would be a debacle...that I guarantee.

I hope you are wrong, but fear scores of people could be killed in the UK in the next year - and sadly it is likely the perpetrators might have been stopped but for human failings.


But on the other hand the UK has been pretty effective at arresting and putting people attempting to do this on trial.


Multiple groups have been stopped at various levels of planning, and how many others we know nothing about?


No threat succeeding, doesn't mean there is no threat.

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No threat succeeding, doesn't mean there is no threat.



That is something we do agree on. Even to this day the IRA (in which ever form it has taken) is still a credible threat to the UK.


However, in my opinion is all about minimising risk, and we have done little of that by over extending our ability and reach in the Middle East.

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You may call it parochial, but then are cities in South America turning themselves into military lock down zones because of ISIS terrorists? No of course not because they haven't involved themselves in this nonsense.

Middle Eastern terrorism has struck more than once in South America.


Are you really so certain it won't happen again?


Threat levels are different around the world, but the reality of attacks isn't as simple as the "nonsense" you are claiming.

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You may call it parochial, but then are cities in South America turning themselves into military lock down zones because of ISIS terrorists? No of course not because they haven't involved themselves in this nonsense.

Middle Eastern terrorism has struck more than once in South America.


Are you really so certain it won't happen again?


Threat levels are different around the world, but the reality of attacks isn't as simple as the "nonsense" you are claiming.



To be fair all your examples were against mainly Israeli targets, not specifically against South American targets.


Israel generates its own problems in the Middle East.


By nonsense I mean our involving ourselves in other nations internal matters and making ourselves targets for increased terrorist attacks.


During the Troubles when we were actually being bombed/attacked (almost one major attack a year and sometimes upto 4 or 5 a year) we never saw the level of "security" on British streets that we are seeing now.

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Rmanx, do you really think the current terrorist threat is comparable with the IRA threat?


Look what ISIS has done with its barbarity and willingness to use huge levels of violence - they've been basically genocidal towards the Yazidis and have committed terrible acts of violence repeatedly in Paris etc.


This is a whole dimension beyond what the IRA aspired to do.


The threat is very very real with a risk of civilian casualties well beyond anything the IRA aspired to.

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In a city the size of London, Security companies, the military and the police will be running some sorts of drills basically every day of the week.


Given that a drill coinciding with a real terrorist attack isn't surprising at all.



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Rmanx, do you really think the current terrorist threat is comparable with the IRA threat?


Look what ISIS has done with its barbarity and willingness to use huge levels of violence - they've been basically genocidal towards the Yazidis and have committed terrible acts of violence repeatedly in Paris etc.


This is a whole dimension beyond what the IRA aspired to do.


The threat is very very real with a risk of civilian casualties well beyond anything the IRA aspired to.


Well the IRA did actually set off several devices and killed hundreds over the times of the troubles.


In terms of threat (i.e. an actually credible threat and the success thereof said threat) I would say that ISIS have a long way to go before coming close to the "success" of the IRA terror campaign.

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Rmanx, do you really think the current terrorist threat is comparable with the IRA threat?


Look what ISIS has done with its barbarity and willingness to use huge levels of violence - they've been basically genocidal towards the Yazidis and have committed terrible acts of violence repeatedly in Paris etc.


This is a whole dimension beyond what the IRA aspired to do.


The threat is very very real with a risk of civilian casualties well beyond anything the IRA aspired to.


Well the IRA did actually set off several devices and killed hundreds over the times of the troubles.


In terms of threat (i.e. an actually credible threat and the success thereof said threat) I would say that ISIS have a long way to go before coming close to the "success" of the IRA terror campaign.



Well seeing as the command centres for ISIS are in Tel Aviv, London and Langley (not the one in Slough) then they can have whatever 'success' they choose.

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Rmanx, do you really think the current terrorist threat is comparable with the IRA threat?


Look what ISIS has done with its barbarity and willingness to use huge levels of violence - they've been basically genocidal towards the Yazidis and have committed terrible acts of violence repeatedly in Paris etc.


This is a whole dimension beyond what the IRA aspired to do.


The threat is very very real with a risk of civilian casualties well beyond anything the IRA aspired to.


Well the IRA did actually set off several devices and killed hundreds over the times of the troubles.


In terms of threat (i.e. an actually credible threat and the success thereof said threat) I would say that ISIS have a long way to go before coming close to the "success" of the IRA terror campaign.



Well seeing as the command centres for ISIS are in Tel Aviv, London and Langley (not the one in Slough) then they can have whatever 'success' they choose.



You aren't suggesting that the bogey man from the Middle East is in some way engineered are you?

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Now if I was a terrorist looking to get up to no good, where would I pick as a target?


Would it be The City of London with 4 million SAS, half the British Army and a 1000 stormtroopers armed police?


Or would it be Manchester or Birmingham or Southampton or etc, etc?


Why strike the most well defended city in the country? I would start attacking all over the UK to stretch man power and resources to breaking point.


What a very helpful post rmanx.


Let's hope that no Islamists or other Muslims sympathetic to Jihadists are reading your post and passing on your advice for more detailed consideration.


You could of course also shorten that entire procedure by simply posting your advice to attack many more British cities directly on Islamist sites.......................................




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