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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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Rmanx, do you really think the current terrorist threat is comparable with the IRA threat?


Look what ISIS has done with its barbarity and willingness to use huge levels of violence - they've been basically genocidal towards the Yazidis and have committed terrible acts of violence repeatedly in Paris etc.


This is a whole dimension beyond what the IRA aspired to do.


The threat is very very real with a risk of civilian casualties well beyond anything the IRA aspired to.


Well the IRA did actually set off several devices and killed hundreds over the times of the troubles.


In terms of threat (i.e. an actually credible threat and the success thereof said threat) I would say that ISIS have a long way to go before coming close to the "success" of the IRA terror campaign.



Well seeing as the command centres for ISIS are in Tel Aviv, London and Langley (not the one in Slough) then they can have whatever 'success' they choose.



You aren't suggesting that the bogey man from the Middle East is in some way engineered are you?



Wouldn't dream of it. I'm sure they have lots of CGI studios dotted all over the desert that are impossible to detect by the worlds most sophisticated satellite imagery.

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Nice to see Syrian refugees helping to dig sand bags in Yorkshire during the flooding, returning the favour gifted to them.


And Muslims coming together to help those in need during the floods.


Not everyone has the same fatalistic and unpleasant world view as shared by some on this forum.

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Well seeing as the command centres for ISIS are in Tel Aviv, London and Langley (not the one in Slough) then they can have whatever 'success' they choose.

I realize you are probably trolling, but really - do you genuinely think the genocide of the Yazidis, rape, murder, slavery, crucifixions and random machine gunning of cartoonists and theatre goers has anything to do with command centres in Tel Aviv, London or Langley - even the one in Slough?
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Well seeing as the command centres for ISIS are in Tel Aviv, London and Langley (not the one in Slough) then they can have whatever 'success' they choose.

I realize you are probably trolling, but really - do you genuinely think the genocide of the Yazidis, rape, murder, slavery, crucifixions and random machine gunning of cartoonists and theatre goers has anything to do with command centres in Tel Aviv, London or Langley - even the one in Slough?



Ultra-Right Wing Christian extremists want a super conflict in the Middle East to usher in the coming of the Messiah.


Why do you think so much money from the US and UK goes to Israel?

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Well seeing as the command centres for ISIS are in Tel Aviv, London and Langley (not the one in Slough) then they can have whatever 'success' they choose.

I realize you are probably trolling, but really - do you genuinely think the genocide of the Yazidis, rape, murder, slavery, crucifixions and random machine gunning of cartoonists and theatre goers has anything to do with command centres in Tel Aviv, London or Langley - even the one in Slough?



Ultra-Right Wing Christian extremists want a super conflict in the Middle East to usher in the coming of the Messiah.


Why do you think so much money from the US and UK goes to Israel?



Hello again rmanx


Such views, and others in a not dissimilar vein, which you have expressed - are really suggestive of a highly paranoid conspiracy theorist.


I pity you.



Pity me all you want. Follow the money.

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Nice to see Syrian refugees helping to dig sand bags in Yorkshire during the flooding, returning the favour gifted to them.


And Muslims coming together to help those in need during the floods.


Not everyone has the same fatalistic and unpleasant world view as shared by some on this forum.



1. How many? Significant nos? (Islam in the United Kingdom is the second largest religion with results from the United Kingdom Census 2011 giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as 2,786,635, 4.4% of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population).


2. How many? Significant nos? (Islam in the United Kingdom is the second largest religion with results from the United Kingdom Census 2011 giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as 2,786,635, 4.4% of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population).


3. You are a prime example of what you call ''not everyone''. Islamists and their countless ''sympathisers'' call an apologist for them ''a useful idiot''. And a ''Kaffir'' (a non-believer, an infidel etc). And much worse names too. Personally, I agree with ''useful idiot'' and I therefore also use the expression ''Blind, ignorant and dangerous fool''



We get it...you hate Muslims for some reason.


I have seen more actual acts of kindness than acts of terrorism from UK Muslims in the last few weeks.


I know it doesn't fit your narrative for Muslims to be seen in a positive light.

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This is somewhat off-topic but all discussion about the Middle East, migrants & etc is inevitably connected at various levels..................................
New dimension of crime’: 1000 strong Crowd of Arab origin blamed for mass sexual assaults in Cologne on NYE
5 Jan, 2016 01:47
So far the authorities have received 60 complaints. The crowd, which consisted of around 1,000 men, attacked people in the city center in what Albers described as a “crime of a whole new dimension.”
New Year celebrations in the German city of Cologne descended into chaos with a series of sexual assaults, including a rape. The attackers were described by witnesses to police as an crowd of intoxicated men of “Arab or North African” origin.
The mass attack on women “in the middle of the city” around Cologne Central Station on New Year's Eve was “an intolerable situation,” Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers told reporters.
According to reports, heavily intoxicated men of “Arab or North African” origin flooded the city’s famous square between its central train station and Gothic cathedral. Aged between 15 and 35, individuals in the crowd began throwing firecrackers and setting off fireworks as the new year arrived.
With the festivities in full swing, some men began sexually assaulting women and pick pocketing revelers. Among the criminal complaints officially filed is at least one allegation of rape.
Authorities expect more victims to come forward in the next few days. Local media meanwhile reported that at least 80 people fell victim to the gangs, 35 of whom were subjected to sexual assaults. One of the victims, named only as Katja L, told Der Express about her ordeal with the crowd of men who grabbed her buttocks and breasts. “I was groped everywhere. It was a nightmare. Although we shouted and beat them, the guys did not stop. I was desperate and think I was touched around 100 times in the 200 meters,” she said. “Fortunately I wore a jacket and trousers. A skirt would probably have been torn away from me.”
To quell the New Year’s disturbance in Cologne, the police deployed more than 200 officers, involving 143 local policemen in addition to 70 federal officers, The Local reported. On Sunday, police arrested five men at the station who had been accused of threatening and robbing females.
New Year’s attacks have sparked a wave of criticism of Germany's handling of the open-door migrant policy, introduced by Chancellor Angela Merkel in Septembe,r which resulted in more than a million refugees entering the country.
To address the migrant threat, Cologne’s Mayor Henriette Reker called in a crisis meeting for Tuesday, to deal with crimes she called “monstrous.” “We cannot tolerate this development of lawlessness,” Reker told the Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper.
The state interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said that swift action is needed to stop such crimes from reoccurring. “We will not accept that groups of North African men gather expressly for the purpose of debasing women by sexually assaulting them,” Ralf Jager said in an interview with the local Express newspaper.
Meanwhile, the leader of the North Rhine-Westphalia branch of Germany's main police union, Arnold Plickert, called the New Year's assaults “a massive attack on basic rights.” “Any refugees who have a problem integrating into our open society and respecting the rights of other people” must be dealt with using the “full force of the law,” Plickert told German press agency DPA.
German MP Steffan Bilger from Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union used the Cologne event to urge the government to change its refugee policy. “It can’t go on like this,” he tweeted. “Urgently needed: reduction of influx, secure borders, intensifying of deportations and meaningful justice.”
Last Wednesday the Saechsische Zeitung daily, citing unpublished official figures, reported that in 2015 Germany had accommodated nearly 1.1 million refugees, five times more than in 2014.


I don't think the issue above is getting anywhere near the attention it deserves .... it was not only Cologne but also in several other cities across Germany. To my mind it was a coordinated terrorist attack which is getting a lot less media coverage that it should simply because its at odds with the stance of "needing to help the immigrants"



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Well seeing as the command centres for ISIS are in Tel Aviv, London and Langley (not the one in Slough) then they can have whatever 'success' they choose.

I realize you are probably trolling, but really - do you genuinely think the genocide of the Yazidis, rape, murder, slavery, crucifixions and random machine gunning of cartoonists and theatre goers has anything to do with command centres in Tel Aviv, London or Langley - even the one in Slough?



There has been killing in the name of Islam since the religion was 'invented' not just since this new bogeyman group appeared on the scene.

It is pretty well accepted that the western powers contributed to the rise of ISIS with their funding, training and directing of operations to suit various geopolitical agendas. The issue now is have they let the genie out of the bottle?

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