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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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Another muslim tries to blow himself up in France. It's a shame "I told you so" doesn't get rid of the filthy creatures


Actually it was a fake bomb.


"The man was wearing a bomber jacket with a bag taped inside with an electric wire sticking out, but it turned out the device "contained no explosives", said a judicial source."


And the man hasn't been identified yet...just saying.


In fact none of the news outlets have identified the mans race or religion.

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The fact that he was raving "God is great" should be a massive clue. He could be a christian, Atheist, Zoroastrian or flat-earther, I suppose.


Actually, I don't think so ...


Oh well stop the presses, Quilp has all the facts we will ever need on the story. Someone call the news outlets and the police because Quilp has it as an open and shut case.

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In the essence of fairness, all murderers, rapists, thieves, etc should primarily be identified by their religion and then all other characteristics.


SO Christian White American terrorist Timothy McVey for example (you know him, the most "successful" terrorist on US soil before 9/11...


The equivalency on this thread is staggering..."Some" Muslims to do something, therefore all Muslims are the same...and people wonder why its so easy to radicalise young men and women when they are the subject of such hate

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rmanx - do you understand the distinction between Islamism and Islam?


If you want to insist that there is a phenomenon called Christianism I'm willing to listen to you and there are definitely people inspired by this - the KKK, various Nazi-inspired groups and people like Anders Breivik.


These people basically all see their religion and race as superior to all others and are willing to use extreme violence against the outsider to protect it and advance their political power - partly because they have little democratic support or influence.


Christianist groups are only loosely coordinated and there isn't really any over-arching political movement uniting them in a global cause.


They've killed in the very low thousands in the last 30 years.


I am pretty certain you are going to try to claim George W. Bush as a Christianist war monger - I think that is totally wrong - neo-cons were war-mongers, but the ideological motivation was not Christianist. The distinction is important - the conflict when East Pakistan split from its Western namesake to become Bangladesh was a conflict involving Muslims, but Islamism was only a minor factor in its violence, ditto Iraq's invasion of Iran & Kuwait. If you don't see this distinction there is very little point trying to have a discussion with you as to why your last post was missing a very important part of the picture.


Islamist groups are far far more influential than Christianist ideology.


The Islamist ideology of a violent, puritanical Islam exists in nearly every Muslim country with them deliberately planning and organizing the killing of 100s of thousands of people around the world in the last 30 years. Islamist violence and ideology is a very important element in understanding conflicts in the Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, India, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc etc. Trying to blame America for all these conflicts is naive, though they do have many responsibilities.


Islamists are not the passive victims of Imperialist violence, pushed into violence only in reaction to being attacked - they wish to actively use and spread violence to further their cause.


Islamist groups are inspired and coordinated by large successful pan-global groups which have strategic aims in multiple countries across the world and are able to influence and command many thousands of armed followers willing to use extreme violence against people they consider k'fir and hence in their ideology subject to no humanitarian restraints whether the are civilian or military.


The result is mass killings across the world - Islamist victims are predominantly Muslim, or members of communities which have lived in peace with Muslim for many hundreds of years, but who are now targeted specifically due to Islamist ideas that they are k'fir and within the House of War.


Paris, London, and even 911 receive far more publicity than they deserve compared to the ongoing day to day slaughter planned by Islamists mainly of their fellow Muslims, but basically of anyone so as to create an us-and-them mentality were the Muslim community becomes captured by men of violence.


Islamism sees war and violence as a way to enforce its puritanism on Muslim communities under siege and doesn't care if it, or the enemy, is the force doing the besieging.


Islamism is a hugely pernicious ideology and it is far more powerful than Christianism.


If you can't see that you are blind.

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All Muslims are not the same. Far from it. The majority I am sure are perfectly decent normal law abiding citizens. I know and deal with plenty of muslims and they couldn't be further removed from the stereotype if you tried. In fact one of those has a son out in Lesbos now working as part of the aid and assistance.


However, you've got to acknowledge that there is an issue with what is going on in terms of this mass migration in the name of "seeking a safe haven" etc. There are plenty of wealthy syrians who are leaving and require no major financial help. But there are a huge amount who are moving with an ulterior motive. And culturally there are going to be huge issues. And those emminating from Africa are causing the biggest issues as I understand it.

I don't really see how anyone can deny that there is and will be a plethora of problems with the current "open door" policy that Germany effectively adopted.

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