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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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From observation, it seems that peace talks / cease fires are normally a ruse to buy time whilst getting the chess pieces into place..


This link has interesting perspectives and I don,t see why it would be any less reliable than the consensus molding talking heads on TV.



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That's interesting Stinky, I'm not a subscriber no, I used a Google News link which let me in, but that's also closed now, so I can't read it any more either.


Annoying, it was interesting - plus the Israelis can provide a pretty good perspective on these things from their point of view, which can be quite different from that put out by Washington, Moscow, London, Damascus, Riyadh, or Ankara! Getting as many points of view as possible is worthwhile - though you need to weight for quality but Haaretz produces pretty good quality journalism!

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Reuter's are reporting Turkey's Prime Minister has given the Kurdish YPG an ultimatum that it will harshly react if they continue their advance.


Currently Kurdish forces control nearly all the border area with Turkey which is seen by Turkey as a direct threat to their security through cooperation with PKK fighters wanting to carve out a Kurdish region within Turkey.


Syrian Government and Russian attacks have weakened other rebels holding areas along the Turkish border and the YPG has advanced taking advantage of their weakness.


Turkey isn't having this and has acted to stop the YPG advance.


This is the nightmare which is Syria, there are so many factions each supported by different elements with such a complex environment there is no clear way of disentangling the interests of all the parties.


Turkey will cooperate with the US against Assad, but disagree with its support of Pesmergar fighters coming in from Iraqi Kurdistan.


Saudi has another set of interests, Iran a third, America a forth and Russia a fifth. They all over lap with each side supporting and opposing each other in different aims.


The result will be on going hell for Syria as it remains the pawn of larger forces fought over by their proxies.

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A similar story came after the San Bernardino shooting, where some yahoos wanted to take firearms into sports stadiums (where alcohol is served in vast quantities).


More likely to killed by a firearm wielding toddler in American than an actual terrorist, but more guns is always the answer apparently.

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""Did your French gun control stop a single [expletive] person from dying at the Bataclan?" Hughes said. "And if anyone can answer yes, I'd like to hear it, because I don't think so. I think the only thing that stopped it was some of the bravest men that I've ever seen in my life charging head-first into the face of death with their firearms.""


Give drunk/drugged up people guns, in a packed room with loud noises and flashing lights...


What could possibly go wrong...oh that's right an even bigger slaughter than what actually happened.

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