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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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The vast majority of ISIS are not suicide bombers. If they were, they'd have disappeared long ago. The ISIS going around raping and murdering innocent communities are not suicide bombers. They ones throwing gays off buildings are not suicide bombers. A pity.

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ISIS didn't volunteer to have their arse kicked by Russia. Russia came in and did it anyway. The US has been helping ISIS. If you think ISIS are such brave and wonderful people, why don't you go live in their phony caliphate. If you think ISIS are a proxy Israeli army, despite obviously not being, you should see a shrink.

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Well it is kind of odd how allies of the west like Israel don't appear to be getting any trouble from ISIS, Only the slates that the west has a problem with seem to get trouble from ISIS. One of the correlations I notice is that the ones that get attacked/invaded didn't have a Jewish based banking system in place prior to the forced change of government. After the invasion is complete, they seem to become an ISIS stronghold and also open a new Jewish based banking operation........Coincidence?

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No, there's no coincidence and there's no crackpot conspiracy involved. Allies of the west have strong armies and aren't suffering a power vacuum.


ISIS only operate in power vacuums. Anywhere else they get annihilated because they're a bunch of tossers and can't fight real armies successfully. The only reason they got some success in Syria was because the US were helping them by attacking Assad who would otherwise have kicked their arses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm not that arsed about these mugs cutting off the head of a probably innocent and probably younger than 12 year old boy. it's the allahu akbars that really piss me right off. we should move their special forces special advisors to a safer place then bomb these fuckers back to the stone age and so on and so on


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  • 3 weeks later...

ok.. can anyone explain this then? a western supported rebel/islamist/jihadist coalition all fighting with the intent of overthrowing assad. american heavy weaponry everywhere. any thoughts chinahand? note its the daily mail too or is that too liberal a source to quote on here?


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I'm not sure what you are asking me, Stinky. It is common knowledge the US has been arming the rebels for years. Try Jane's:




Or just Google US arms to Syrian rebels.


It is a huge civil war fought with tanks artillery and air power. Pity the people of Syria.

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The whole conflict is totally factionalized. Pandora's box has been opened. Shifting Alliances, the madness of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, splits and the fruits of the battlefield mean there's little way to control where weapons will end up. That is the reality of such a brutal war.


If the daily mail is to liberal for you try the Wall street journal:



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it all comes back to proxy war with russia in the end

The main fight is between Sunni and Shia via Saudi and Iranian proxies. The big boys are just making sure their respective dogs aren't knocked out of the fight. Russia wants its Mediterranean naval base and the US its geopolitical interests keeping the Iranians from gaining too much influence.

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