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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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Fake news is the latest weapon word. Like conspiracy theory. The mere mention of it puts doubt in the mind regardless of whether it makes sense or not. This from the mainstream media currently desperately trying to convince us that all views other than theirs are fake. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2312570/mosul-latest-death-toll-figures-reveal-a-thousand-civilians-have-been-killed-in-a-month-as-allied-troops-struggle-to-breach-isis-held-city/

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is being claimed here doesn't really matter in any way because it will just all be drowned out by all the other shit. Strange world. https://www.google.com/amp/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-president-erdogan-us-coalition-support-terrorists-a7497841.html%3famp



Erdogan's claim needs care, as he has a very strong anti-Kurdish agenda to pursue and is therefore not an entirely reliable narrator. If the specific in his claim is that the US has supported certain Kurdish factions that have an affiliation to Daesh then that is plausible on some level. The Peshmerga have been a very effective force in Iraq and have been supplied with equipment by many western countries, notably Germany, UK and the US. The Peshmerga is not like the armed force of an internationally recognised state, and is factionalised. It is also not the only Kurdish militia, and if equipment has transferred from the Peshmerga to other Kurdish militia with Daesh sympathies, that would not be very surprising.


But it would be pure spin to translate that into the headline 'The US Supports ISIS'.

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  • 1 month later...



(Now we have that out of the way)


The public have been steered away from caring about Iraq...you know...the place we illegally invaded on false pretences which contributed to the power vacuum that allowed IS to take hold and expand.


People seem to forget there are easily 1,500 service personnel still out there fighting in the "not a war honest guv".

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  • 2 months later...

Don't worry thought its all sorted in Iraq and Syria because we are now talking about the Election...

Oh wait no its not...

Turkey has bombed fighters in Iraq and Syria.  Why is that a problem you ask? 

Because the YPG are some of the friendly "rebels" in the fight, but Turkey (our ally and where there are American airbases) consider them part of the Kurdish terrorist network).

Turkey has also been training Syria deserters to join the "rebels" but guess what?  Some then went on to join IS.

Ah who cares, Britain's Got Talent is on.

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