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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

when the hurricanes hit a few month ago on uk overseas territories, the uk was told it couldn't spend foreign aid money on helping rebuild, as i said its some agency in france that dictates how its spent.... 

Source? Do you have a name for this mysterious french agency?

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5 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Source? Do you have a name for this mysterious french agency?

since its you....


The way Britain and 34 other developed nations spend their aid budget is governed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development based in Paris (OECD)


i just remember hearing it at the time......

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On 28/02/2018 at 4:47 PM, the stinking enigma said:

Yes yes. Of course they are. 


Due another soon i suppose

Syria is a big country with a legitimate government facing islamic terrorist attacks.  The news "leaks" are invariably from either "The White Helmets" (check THAT shower out) or other anti government sources.  It makes absolutely no sense with the eyes of a biased West on him for Assad to obtain much less use horror weapons and perfect sense for the low life to do SA and blame Assad.

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Stinky, something like 400,000 people have been killed in Syria.  There are daily air raids in civilian areas under siege.  What makes you want to post one attempt to pretend the death toll and suffering this causes is fake compared to the thousands of people crushed under rubble?


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Stinky, what do you think about the video you posted up?

It isn't someone secretly recording the White Helmets faking a rescue - it is someone deliberately creating a fake, filmed as a fake with a 30 second "everyone freeze" intro-shot.

Do you think the White Helmets, or anyone supporting them, made this film?

Please answer this question?

While writing this you've replied asking me some questions.

No, the West's policy on Syria hasn't always been regime change - it engaged with Assad quite extensively prior to his brutal treatment of peaceful demonstrations which precipitated the civil war.  It was only after the war began that they have explicitly called for him to stand down, and even today they prevaricate around that issue as they know he is secure thanks to Putin's backing.

I don't buy into a narrative that the civil war has been caused by the west trying to steal Syria's oil or whatever,  nor that the west sponsors ISIS to destabilise Syria.

My understanding is that Assad and his dad had overseen a brutal pressure-cooker regime for decades which had broken out into crushed armed rebellions a number of times in the last 30 years, that brutality, in response to a general unrest throughout the Arab world to corruption, unemployment and oppressive government, spurred a civil war - that was a home grown thing little expected or wanted by the outside world.

However the civil war has since become a proxy battle between Saudi and Iran; and Russia and the West which has brought hell on earth to the people of Syria.

ISIS is a cancer matastasizing out of Iraq which feeds of Islamic fundamentalism and Arabic victimhood which has found fertile ground in the total collapse of civilised norms.

The west has spent many millions bombing and training proxies to defeat ISIS - who have basically succeeded.  

The Kurds played their cards well - they are a tough people who have been on the hard end of repression for a long time, but they've defeated ISIS and hold a lot of ground (though look at what happened in Kirkuk recently) that is their bargaining chip to recognition no matter what Erdogan tries to do.

The west's attempt to corral the rest of the opposition into a form they could support has basically failed with Islamists being too powerful and Putin's support for Assad too strong.  So Syria is now split between a resurgent Assad regime, a defeated rump of Free-Syrian Army/Jihadist groups, and the Kurds - all three are trying to gain credit for defeating ISIS and fighting to control territory taken from ISIS is ongoing - hence the jockeying from Turkey and the recent bombing of Russian mercenaries by the Yanks.

Pity the Nation, but don't pretend it is all a Western plot - there are just as many plotters from elsewhere; and in fact they've been considerably more successful.




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10 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The west didn't defeat isis. That's quite a bizarre notion

I've edited my post to clarify - my understanding is that western backed Kurdish fighters have been the primary forces taking ISIS territory.  

Assad has tended to keep out of the Euphrates valley and the eastern desert, rather consolidating his control of the western population centres of Syria.  The Kurds have been so successful that they are now bumping up against Assad (and Turkish) controlled forces, while previously ISIS had been in between these groups.

Why is the bombing of Ghouta important now - it is about control of territory and people to use as bargaining chips in negotiations.  Assad has opened a new front to seize a suburb of Damascus the size of Manchester - that is new and shows his confidence given Russian support.

There is a small chance of a settlement, but the risk is a more general war between the Kurds and Assad - that is genuinely dangerous with huge risks. Many more children will be pulled dead or injured and crushed by people in white helmets and without before this is over.

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