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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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"War is deceit" the a-hadith of Muhammad. Bukhari, volume 4, book 52 number 269.

" 'Khad'ah' means deception, that is, employing a strategy which causes misunderstanding to the enemy, and one's real intent does not become evident to them. This is permissible in Islam in the state of war."

Riyad-us-saliheen, chapter 234, number 1352.

The words of Muhammad himself and one of the many 'wise' imams, words which that culture/ideology has evolved from and on waging war, usually between themselves, it is these scriptures which dictate their methodology and inspiration. It is the failure of Western powers to understand this deeply held view and culture that has led the region to where it is now. They were always at war, the West has just enabled their efficiency in waging it.

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“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” 

“There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.”

Both by Sun Zi (孙子) in the Art of War (兵法)

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5 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Not so easy when you don’t have a browser history full of conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda. I think I found something though:


remember omran? aleppo poster boy and charlie chaplin lookalike?


here he is with his dad 

 made under duress, you may say, and you may be right. 

the iconic chaplin esque pic was taken by mahmoud raslan. here he is with the white helmets and also the same white helmets but now al nusra just before they cut a 10 year old boys head off for being a spy. nice selfie




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Erdogan has dreams of expansion and furthering his rule. He'd like an Ottoman-style caliphate with himself as the Caliph. See his recent remarks over Greece and his excited claim that some of Greece's islands "belong" to Turkey; "... Our mosques and shrines are still there!" built after the hordes put the orthodox Jews, Christians and all the other established religions to the sword and subjugated those who remained only to be turfed out after the collapse of their empire. A dangerous man, and die-hard islamist to boot...

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  • 2 weeks later...

If only the idiot assad would stop using chemical weapons he'd be fine, the US are only there to stop isis after all,.but using his chemical weapons means now the US will have to push for regime change, because he is evil, see. There seems to be quite a common theme with all our enemies. They would all be ok if they didn't use chemical weapons. But now we are going to have to stop them and stuff. Because they are evil and that. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I do find the claims of "its not fair on my mum" richly ironic from the torturers and beheaders of ISIS.

Oh, how their tune changes when the boot is on the other foot.

I do hope they end up on trial and if that is via a state which means they face the risk of the death penalty ... well what goes around comes around.  I think my preferred option is the Hague and the inside of a prison for the rest of their lives slowly rotting away, but I'm not going to weep if they face a short drop and a sudden stop.



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On 3/31/2018 at 6:28 PM, Chinahand said:

I do find the claims of "its not fair on my mum" richly ironic from the torturers and beheaders of ISIS.

Oh, how their tune changes when the boot is on the other foot.

I do hope they end up on trial and if that is via a state which means they face the risk of the death penalty ... well what goes around comes around.  I think my preferred option is the Hague and the inside of a prison for the rest of their lives slowly rotting away, but I'm not going to weep if they face a short drop and a sudden stop.



The good news is that at least another 416 of their "brothers and sisters" have made it safely back to good old Blighty  .

I'm sure Dick and his like minded associates will all sleep a bit easier knowing this .


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2 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

It's a big well done to Israel. There may well be no evidence to support it but they aren't just going to sit there and do nothing while innocent arab children die. 


So they're not a US proxy then?

Well I never......

ETA - Well, you have to spell it out for some of the folks on here

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