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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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20 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Yes. It was never about regime change. It was about stopping isis. Until silly billy assad used chemical weapons again just as he was about to win again. What a fool he must be. 

Him and Putin are idiots aren't they. They almost seem to be always trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Syria is one of the last secular states in the region. Just like Iraq was to a degree under Saddam. It seems like we always want to topple such stable countries to leave behind anarchy, destruction and Islamic zealots to move into the vacuum. Chaos is good for business and it would appear to the layman we're working with the zealots to bring this about.     

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5 hours ago, pongo said:

The so-what is that you are arguing that Assad is some sort of bulwark against terrorism when in reality his family's regime has backed Islamic terrorism for decades.

I'm not arguing for regime change. I'm arguing only against blustering bombast. And against pointlessly choosing sides as if it were a horse race.

Times change and for a number of years the Assad regime HAVE been a bulwark against fully observant Moslems who use terrorism (the sword) as a means of spreading their rotten cult.

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2 minutes ago, Rog said:

Times change and for a number of years the Assad regime HAVE been a bulwark against fully observant Moslems who use terrorism (the sword) as a means of spreading their rotten cult.

Syria and Iran are behind both Hamas and Hezbollah.

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4 minutes ago, pongo said:

Syria and Iran are behind both Hamas and Hezbollah.

In the Middle East alliances change like the weather but always Islam is at the heart of war, killing, injury, and theft.

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1 hour ago, Lxxx said:

Him and Putin are idiots aren't they. They almost seem to be always trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The assumption you and others make is that the chemical attacks were the work of the Assad regime assisted by Russia. IMO that makes no sense. Much more likely is that the attacks have been made by the terrorists in order to turn the West even more against the Assad regime which is precisely what happened.

Keep in mind that those that were killed would immediately become "Shahid" (martyrs), in this case because of their the war against the infidel, and so go immediately to "paradise"  

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6 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

....a bit like the old British Empiricists and other nations killing indigenous populations and taking over the countries they invaded?.........

No, there was very little of that took place, although the way that genocide was at the heart of the creation of the good 'ol USA should never be forgotten.

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Russian military says Britain carried out the chemical attack.


And there will be a million or two Russia today devotees who will readily believe it whilst disbelieving news sources based all over Europe. C'est la vie.

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2 hours ago, Rog said:

No, there was very little of that took place, although the way that genocide was at the heart of the creation of the good 'ol USA should never be forgotten.

............and the Bushmen of the Kalahari and the Australian Aborigonals and the Zulus and the............. although I take your point that the current crop of Islamists haven't been able to follow that course even though they may be achieving that outcome by stealth and infiltration..........

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3 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

And there will be a million or two Russia today devotees who will readily believe it whilst disbelieving news sources based all over Europe. C'est la vie.

this will really confuse you then. the trusty sky news but rebroadcast on rt. at which point does it become fake?


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