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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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20 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

When we bombed Libya the rebels we were supporting got hold of Gaddafi and sodomized him with a knife. Makes you proud really.

"We" ?  one wonders if the present "we" comprises the minority view ?

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I'm with Corbyn on this one........ just saying.......... well until the 'spin' and 'counterspin' stops and it's established  who did what and to whom , until then  it seems to be "nobut swank" by a bunch of politicians who know the chances of them  being held responsible  in their lifetime are relatively remote.:)

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3 hours ago, Rog said:

Britain has just made a monumental mistake and has in effect sided with the Islamist terrorists.

Err I think you'll find they've been doing that for quite a while now!

 And lets not forget the criminals,illegals etc ! What a topsy turvy world we live in these days,you would almost think it's by design.

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2 hours ago, paswt said:

I'm with Corbyn on this one........ just saying.......... well until the 'spin' and 'counterspin' stops and it's established  who did what and to whom , until then  it seems to be "nobut swank" by a bunch of politicians who know the chances of them  being held responsible  in their lifetime are relatively remote.:)

On this matter I'm also with Corbyn.  Now I'm waiting for May to announce some form of moratorium on pressing ahead with getting free from the EU.

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the only thing i have really learned so far today is that there is a woody6 version on the guardian website comments. bit more refined but still a way to go, not a fan of trump but could be bluffing. couple of gems stuck out. could be more but i gave up after 2 pages, realised i was being a bit weird. overall though, i think it's a better version. looking  to the corbynista woody8 version before i'm going to part with any cash and buy one.




 Registered on 28 Feb 2011

In response to Diadhuit

Saddam had used WMD in the past and was set to build them again. Bush wasn't wrong, he was just late/premature.

In response to Sandgropper

There haven't been any WMDs used in Iraq since we got serious about it. So, it was successful.

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3 hours ago, paswt said:

I'm with Corbyn on this one........ just saying.......... well until the 'spin' and 'counterspin' stops and it's established  who did what and to whom , until then  it seems to be "nobut swank" by a bunch of politicians who know the chances of them  being held responsible  in their lifetime are relatively remote.:)

you only support wars started by russia, syria or hezbollah?

boom! shake-shake-shake the room........

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

you only support wars started by russia, syria or hezbollah?

boom! shake-shake-shake the room........

You really are an impertinent  little shit , produce any post which supports your lie that I only support Russia, Syria or 'hezbollah' (?) 

You on the other hand will believe or purport to believe anything which suits your agenda and post your opinions as 'facts'  and compound the stupidity by "giving it the "big-un" about your life's experience  thinking it adds weight to your opinions and  folk are daft enough to believe you .

Hope this helps.

The problem is that if you continue to tell lies about others they will be encouraged to tell  the truth about you .:lol:



This was my post , get your mum to read it to you , you may learn something , but frankly I doubt it , if your brains were dynamite  they wouldn't blow you hat off.:)


5 hours ago, paswt said:

I'm with Corbyn on this one........ just saying.......... well until the 'spin' and 'counterspin' stops and it's established  who did what and to whom , until then  it seems to be "nobut swank" by a bunch of politicians who know the chances of them  being held responsible  in their lifetime are relatively remote.:)


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