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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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16 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

He doesn't seem to be getting much respect though woody does he? It's all rather counter productive assuming putin is behind it. He's just won his election. It makes no logical sense


will we get to see smokey mcboatface the smokey aircraft carrier again.......

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

The only logical explanation for all this is that Putin, Trump and May want to give the younger generation a deeply ingrained fear of nuclear holocaust again, in order to inspire some classic 80s style pop songs.   Putin's no fan of grime.

2 5 tribes go to war.......

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So Theresa May has said that the attack on the armaments that MAY have been used by the legitimate government of Syria in the defence of Syria from Islamist terrorists in spite of there being no proof whatsoever that a chemical attack even took place let alone that the legitimate government and or their ally were responsible was in "our national interests".

But did not enlarge on why.

The ONLY reason would be to attempt to reduce the probability of an attack by the Fifth Columnists already well established in the UK and the traitorous scum returning from doing their stint with ISIS and now ready to strike at the infidels in the UK.

It's pretty obvious now that the government is running scared of the enemy within so instead of paying defacto Dane Geld by supporting the islamic terrorists attacking the legitimate Syrian government in the hope of buying off the inevitable they should be dealing with the infection that has taken root in the UK.

After all, once having paid the Dane ----


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11 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

1 smokey aircraft carrier versus 20. You would have to say putin is nothing if not stupid. It's amazing he has managed to live this long without setting himself on fire whilst lighting the barbecue.

Never ever underestimate an enemy (which Russia is NOT) or a prospective enemy which is what the awful Barack Hussein Obama created and most of all NEVER underestimate Russia.

The Septics made the mistake of underestimating the Japanese until they were given a bloody nose at Pearl but even then continued to underestimate their military capability and competence.

The paid dear to learn how wrong they were.

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What you have to wonder is why Assad would use chems now. By all accounts he has the war won, just a matter of the mopping up, why would he be so stupid as turn most of the world against him at the eleventh hour? Another thing that needs answering, if Theresa May et al are all so bloody outraged about the presumed use of chemical weapons then why the fuck aren't they bombing fuck out of the Saudi's.

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21 hours ago, Rog said:

So Theresa May has said that the attack on the armaments that MAY have been used by the legitimate government of Syria in the defence of Syria from Islamist terrorists in spite of there being no proof whatsoever that a chemical attack even took place let alone that the legitimate government and or their ally were responsible was in "our national interests".

But did not enlarge on why.

The ONLY reason would be to attempt to reduce the probability of an attack by the Fifth Columnists already well established in the UK and the traitorous scum returning from doing their stint with ISIS and now ready to strike at the infidels in the UK.

It's pretty obvious now that the government is running scared of the enemy within so instead of paying defacto Dane Geld by supporting the islamic terrorists attacking the legitimate Syrian government in the hope of buying off the inevitable they should be dealing with the infection that has taken root in the UK.

After all, once having paid the Dane ----


It's coming ,nothing surer!

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If there’s one journalist I trust when it comes to reporting events in the Arab World it’s Robert Fisk. If Fisk says there’s no evidence gas was used, then I can’t see how May has better intelligence saying it was. 


I don’t go along with Rog’s paranoia about fifth columnists. I think the reason for bombing Syria was more to do with trying to bury bad news, like the loss of 1,000 jobs at Jaguar Landrover, or the Comey interview.

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58 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

If there’s one journalist I trust when it comes to reporting events in the Arab World it’s Robert Fisk. If Fisk says there’s no evidence gas was used, then I can’t see how May has better intelligence saying it was. 


I don’t go along with Rog’s paranoia about fifth columnists. I think the reason for bombing Syria was more to do with trying to bury bad news, like the loss of 1,000 jobs at Jaguar Landrover, or the Comey interview.

Maybe it also has something to do with the UK, France and the US all recently selling arms to the Saudis.

Everything that is happening in the Middle East is about the pipelines.

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6 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Maybe it also has something to do with the UK, France and the US all recently selling arms to the Saudis.

Everything that is happening in the Middle East is about the pipelines.

It's got very little to do with arms sales and a very great deal to do with the little known deal that was struck between the good 'ol USA and the Saudi family back in the 70's.

This scratches the surface. 


It gets better and better the deeper one delves.

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