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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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The White Helmets (@SyriaCivilDef) Tweeted:
Five children were killed, and more than 12 others are injured in a new massacre unleashed by Russian aircraft in the city of #JisralShughur in #Idlib western countryside. #WhiteHelmets teams mobilized quickly to retrieve the dead and transfer the wounded to medical points. https://t.co/5DD2tsFZRj

These guys are just so brave. To spend all their time in terrorist controlled areas, knowing that as western media darlings and oscar winners no less, they have to be a big target for jihadists to make a point and cut their heads off. Great stuff

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Interesting things are happening in the Great Games between Nations.

Russia and Turkey have done a deal in Idlib.

I wonder what this means.

The US's and EU's impotence over Syria is basically an embarrassment for the Western powers and Turkey's Erdogan is playing his own long game - opposing both the US backed Kurds and Assad.

That likely creates a dilemma for Putin as Erdogan would make a useful ally, messing up NATO even more than it is with Turkey seething at the US.  So Putin has done a deal.

With the choice between Erdogan and Assad it isn't that surprising Putin has chosen Turkey - it is far more geo-politically important and Putin would love to pull it more out of the West's sphere - watch for clashes between Turks and Kurds in the next few weeks and the US calling for restraint from all sides while trying to get Erdogan back on side.

Interesting times for the Great Game ... but pity the people of Syria for all the respite this deal has given them.  It may not last.

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That bloody Kipling feller has a great deal to answer for.

I don't see either of them holding back if the YPG were involved so the obvious thing to do is just leave them to wither on the vine.

Avoids all that negative publicity, especially after a poisoning or two....

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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

I'd imagine there'd be a bit of an outcry if this situation was reversed. Israel has carried out hundreds of bombing missions in Syria. Syria has carried out zero bombing missions in israel.


Seems fair. Syria shoots the plane down but the Russians blame Israel...

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