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The War in Syria - ISIS et al


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Russia is only targeting ISIS!!???


Oh yes. You enjoy RT do you?


So we should only read Western news outlets?


Of course not, but neither should you gullibly follow Russian ones. To say Russia is only targeting ISIS is ridiculous. It simply isn't true and sources from all sides show that, but a trolling TJ in his standard style just wants soundbites and controversy.

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PK .. Up to 20% police cuts on the way, presumably to help pay for weapons systems not to combat Isis but play games with Russia in a few years .. What do you reckon about it?


Osborne has announced that funding to the police will not be cut. This is disingenuous at best - a typical slippery politico trying to make the right noises to keep tory voters on side.


Firstly, apart from London's MET, they are funded half by central gov and half by the local authority.


Secondly not cutting their budget is NOT the same as giving them sufficient means to do the job.


As the security in the West becomes more uncertain and unstable the load on the police increases. Without sufficient means the CC's are going to have to make some hard choices as to where is best to deploy their resources.


The point is they shouldn't have to....

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As the security in the West becomes more uncertain and unstable the load on the police increases. Without sufficient means the CC's are going to have to make some hard choices as to where is best to deploy their resources.

There is an interesting counter to this perspective at The Daily Telegraph.


George Osborne will rue the day he failed to cut police

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As the security in the West becomes more uncertain and unstable the load on the police increases. Without sufficient means the CC's are going to have to make some hard choices as to where is best to deploy their resources.

There is an interesting counter to this perspective at The Daily Telegraph.


George Osborne will rue the day he failed to cut police


I didn't find it interesting at all. I also thought it was very lightweight but then it is The Torygraph.


The fact that the police are answerable to their local authority on items such as their priorities didn't merit a mention.


Enough not said...

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Another reason for deploying troops instead of police...troops cant go on strike.

Presumably nobody else could be bothered pointing out that the Police are not allowed to strike.



Although attempts have been made to repeal the law by the Police Federation (as recently as 2013). At worst the police person can be sacked for refusing to carry out his duties in protest, a soldier faces disciplinary action and prison time, or worse.


And if you read my statement there is nothing false or incorrect. Troops cannot go on strike, and face severe punishments for not doing their duties unlike the police.


Industrial action police officers can legally take include a work-to-rule, which could severely hit the service, and they can also withdraw from voluntary posts, such as policing football matches.

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Call me all the names you like.


There are 31,000 policemen in London - you are making a deal out of adding 10K soldiers to support them during an ongoing situation.



And how many of those 31,000 are routinely armed?


If you can't handle a situation with 31,000 police (even if only 1% are armed that is still 310 armed police) in the city of London, do you honestly think setting loose thousands of armed troops is going to make it better?


The Army is not designed for counter terrorism, it is designed to engage the enemies armies in warfare...the clue is in the name.


Also please explain how 10,000 troops would help in the ongoing situation in Brussels? You defeat terrorism with intelligence activities not mobbing the streets with armed troops.


>Call me all the names you like.

Doesn't matter how many oppose you, you're not alone.


>Also please explain how 10,000 troops would help in the ongoing situation in Brussels?


Excellent point, if I were to lead a commando raid in Belgium at the moment, given the publicity of 10,000 armed men awaiting my arrival in Brussels, I'd head north on the motorway to Bruges, Ghent or Antwerp and execute my plans there.


With the front door guarded and bolted to the satisfaction of the gullible, I'd nip around the back to create havoc.


The 10 000 figure is sabre rattling, designed to instill confidence in the community (vote for me, look what I'm doing for you, I'll keep you safe).


ISIS and its suicidal followers can do enormous harm to the business community. Look how US businesses, especially the travel industry, suffered post 9/11.


Obama et al aren't the slightest bit interested in a few dozen Parisiens mown down at a pop concert/cafe, but they're terrified of customers losing confidence in the business community.


The one thing that surprises me is the French and Germans failing to pass on information to each other, thus allowing smoother passage of the terrorists throughout Europe; but they also asserted that "lessons had been learnt" over the Charlie Hebdo slaughter a few months earlier.


What lesson would that be? Certainly wasn't teamwork...


And now a NATO member has shot down a Russian plane whilst it was engaging the common enemy, this really is Keystone Cops territory.



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