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The fall of Jersey: how a tax haven goes bust


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Is it just me who thinks "Tim" has never been to Jersey and is yet another sock puppet?


Yes, it's just you.


The linked articles and related material that Tim has included makes me think it's just Dilli being silly.

That being said,I always reserve the right to change my view if new evidence comes to the fore.

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Is it just me who thinks "Tim" has never been to Jersey and is yet another sock puppet?


If he is, he appears to be an exceptionally well-researched sock puppet.


Which is not usually the trait of MF sock puppets?



How would you know if he is an exceptionally well-researched sock puppet?

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Thanks GD4ELI


We have Trolls here too who go of subject and try and disrupt decent factual debate. One does wonder why ? Probably plain boredom and little intellect but craves attention.


We have learned to advertise and then ignore them.


Can you provide a link to your forum please...

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Is it just me who thinks "Tim" has never been to Jersey and is yet another sock puppet?


If he is, he appears to be an exceptionally well-researched sock puppet.


Which is not usually the trait of MF sock puppets?



How would you know if he is an exceptionally well-researched sock puppet?



I wouldn't. But he appears to be a well researched sock puppet, if indeed he is.

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quilp there are four excellent blogs and one forum that I read here on Jersey and also when I am traveling. As you may be aware Jersey is in the middle of a child abuse investigation.


Sorry I deviate.


The decent quality blogs are listed down the side of Rico Sorda's blog as a menu. Voiceforchildren, Rico Sorda, Bob Hill, Tony Musing's and the Senator removed from office Stuart Syvret's are the leaders and factual and a good read. Many of the others are protest blogs and copies in kind.




The forum I read which goes back to 2008 and is more of an archive now as the other sites have grown in strength is a site that gets about three million hits but few writers unlike this Forum. Please remember in a village like Jersey sticking your neck out is a not conducive to a happy and stress free life quite the opposite. Fancy being investigated by a Government department anyone ?




Hope this helps,



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Thanks GD4ELI


We have Trolls here too who go of subject and try and disrupt decent factual debate. One does wonder why ? Probably plain boredom and little intellect but craves attention.


We have learned to advertise and then ignore them.


Can you provide a link to your forum please...


There's his one that seems to have been dormant for about the last 5 years


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Good Evening from Jersey.


The topic caught our eye here as did the article in the Guardian. It has not gone well obviously with the great and good.


However the truth is not quiet as clear, just a couple of facts that may interest you, using the wonder of communication which is the internet.



A carbon copy of the iom.


Of course it is. Does that not tell you everything about the nature of the constitutional arrangements between the UK and the Crown Dependencies and who is really running the show? This is not a bizarre coincidence!

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On the Ball woolley.


No system of Government is perfect, no Government is made up of perfect people. Such is life - but on an island with the Queen and her advisors dishing out the jobs for the unelected elite, is this good enough ? If you cannot trust the Justice system whom have the final say, what are the options ?


The only reason for intervention by the UK would be if there is civil disorder. Meanwhile the appalling excuse for an unaccountable Government on Jersey continues.


Islanders have written to the Privy Council in Westminster complaining of unfair treatment or even to the Home Secretary who is responsible for the rule of law in the Crown Dependencies. Islanders always receive the same identical pathetic letter back with a photocopied signature.


The letter says that basically Jersey ( and the other Crown dependencies ) are self ruled, and the islands government and judicial system is responsible and must deal with complaints.


Not very helpful when it is this same institutions that one is complaining about. A real example:



Deputy Pitman takes the local paper to court for slander (and lost which bankrupt him) sitting on the bench either side of the judge were two “ Jurats “ presiding over Pitman's case.


The well regarded plain speaking Deputy Pitman said of the conflicted Jurat.


He had been a personal friend of a senior director of one of the defendants for many years.


Jurat Le Breton socialised with the defendant's director. He even went to diner at the director's home and the director his. He was also even a close personal friend of the director's spouse. And he also knew full well that his friend was a director of this defendant in the case.


The historic law says:


"No appeal shall lie from a decision of the Court of Appeal under this part of the Law [civil appeals] without the leave of the Court or the special leave of Her Majesty in Council


In other words the same Jersey justice that tried Deputy Pitman’s case and found against him even though a Jurat refused to step down as being conflicted, yet the same Jersey court has to be revisited to give its permission, to approach the UK justice court system to appeal. As if they would agree ? The deputy was removed from office due to being a bankrupt.


It is all here.




The Law




Is it the same in the IOM ?

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