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Donald Trump


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Not really.


Just found it funny you lecturing about how big and bad the "real world" is, and as far as one would know you're a housebound recluse.


I run my own business which affords me the time to log on here whenever/wherever I want. It's the flexibility that working hard when I was younger gave me. I didn't get too preoccupied with ideals and things going on in the wider world I couldn't do anything about. Try it, I can guarantee it will enrich you.



If you say so...but then Woolley has the same back story for his character...


Amazing innit? Two successful businessmen on the Island. Who'd have thought it?

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Not really.


Just found it funny you lecturing about how big and bad the "real world" is, and as far as one would know you're a housebound recluse.


I run my own business which affords me the time to log on here whenever/wherever I want. It's the flexibility that working hard when I was younger gave me. I didn't get too preoccupied with ideals and things going on in the wider world I couldn't do anything about. Try it, I can guarantee it will enrich you.



If you say so...but then Woolley has the same back story for his character...


Amazing innit? Two successful businessmen on the Island. Who'd have thought it?




ETA: I didn't get where I am... etc!

Edited by Andy Onchan
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I maintain there is no shame in working and running your own business , probably as well for some as they could be nightmare employees , always wanting to "paddle their own canoe"laugh.pngflowers.gif ......... instead of 'adopting the ethos of the organisation they work for" (well in order to thrive perhaps?).




The last thing an employer wants is a "fully paid up member of the awkward squad" , I remember an employer I did some consultancy work for maintaining that the first loyalty an employee had was to the 'company' and was genuinely surprised when I laughed.


Just saying

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What is incredible to me is that people seem to be thinking that there is parity between a president who identifies a series of countries to be more cautious with when its citizens travel to the US and one who initiates a blanket ban on anyone with a citizenship traveling to the US. One policy is measured, the other overkill.


Also, Trump has ordered a total stop to ALL refugees entering the US no matter where they are from - you can't blame that on an Obama list.


Refugees are the world's most desperate people, but Trump has just gone I don't care for the next 4 months no matter where they come from.


That upends the centuries old norm of providing asylum and refuge for those in desperate need and is truly shameful.

I am more left than you China, but even I have to wonder why peope go home to the countries they claimed asylum from.


It is a valid point. Claim asylum from china for example... then head home for holidays a few times a year.

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Not really.


Just found it funny you lecturing about how big and bad the "real world" is, and as far as one would know you're a housebound recluse.

I run my own business which affords me the time to log on here whenever/wherever I want. It's the flexibility that working hard when I was younger gave me. I didn't get too preoccupied with ideals and things going on in the wider world I couldn't do anything about. Try it, I can guarantee it will enrich you.


If you say so...but then Woolley has the same back story for his character...


It may shock you but there may be many people out there who just crack on with life and see things for how the world really is, not some liberal ideal fantasy that some might like it to be.


If people's idea of a "liberal ideal fantasy" has set the bar as low as simply not having a demented twat in the POTUS chair they should set their sights higher.

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Trump isn't stupid. He may be many things but stupid he isn't. He's issued an executive order(s) that is totally out of all proportion to what it is purported to address, to probably see how much of the federal government he can count on and which parts are capable of stabbing him in the back.

He's probably intentionally gone overboard with the green card holders bit, knowing full well that this won't be part of the eventual legislation. In which case he'll eventually backtrack on it, the people will think they've won a moral victory and that 'people power' has won the day and he'll be able to pass the bare bones of what he originally wanted to do in the first place. All the while he's also been able to rout parts of the government and individuals that are loyal to Obama and not to the reporting structure they're paid to be.


He may give the impression of being a (billionaire) buffoon, contradiction in terms, but he's surrounded by smart people and once the short term noise has died down his new administration will have set the parameters for doing the business they want to do with people who they can trust on following orders.

Edited by Lxxx
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Suspect it may be DT who has to do the surviving....?


Based on the anger of the democrats, I think you might be right. For all their shouting about being bastions of freedom, they sure are crying when it doesn't go their way.

Edited by Tarne
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