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29 minutes ago, hoopsaa said:

Point of fact, he wasn't found guilty of rape.

He is a serious sexual assaulter and an adjudicated rapist (it was a civil case). What he got convicted of is now statutorily defined as rape in the USA. 


On January 26, 2024, the jury deliberated for three hours and awarded Carroll $7.3 million in emotional damages, $11 million in reputation-related damages, and $65 million in punitive damages, totaling $83.3 million.[220] The jury found Trump had committed sexual abuse and forcible touching, two of the three elements of Carroll's battery claim

On January 30, New York Governor Kathy Hochul mentioned the case during a bill-signing ceremony for a law expanding the state's legal definition of rape to include nonconsensual vaginal, anal, and oral contact, effective non-retroactively on September 1, 2024.[14]

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3 hours ago, Bosley said:

And who created that environment? Largely Donald J Trump and his supporters  

The environment existed in the American politics long ago.

He exploited it and expanded the rhetoric. But he’s just the best player of an existing game. 

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Trump will cause abject misery in Ukraine, allow Russia to rearm and cause chaos on the Eastern front for years to come...that's why Putin needs to be pushed out of Ukraine now.

Trump will be a disaster for Europe, world trade and inflation. 

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8 hours ago, Chinahand said:

The attempted assassination of Trump is a heinous crime. 

The whole point of constitutional democratic politics is that policy changes cannot be too radical because of checks and balances and can be reversed by future administrations if that is the democratic will. 

Political violence destroys the trust that the system requires. 

American is too tribal and is losing the ability to trust across the political aisle. 

Political violence will only further diminish it. It is incredibly sad this is the state the US has come to. 

Everyone who hopes for constitutional democratic governance should condemn what has happened and dial down the polarising tribal violent political rhetoric. 

Michelle Obama once said: “When they go low, we go high”.

In the 1960s Americans grieved together as a nation over the assignations of JFK, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. But in 2012 when Gabby Giffords, former Democratic Member of the US House of Representative from Arizona, was a subject of an attempted assignation that has left her with horrific life-threatening injuries, many Republicans and their paymasters in the gun lobby (aka the NRA) shrugged their shoulders and accused HER of whipping up the “hysteria” and infringing on Americans’ “birth right” to bear arms.

Historically, America has always been a deeply divided partisan country. Your well-balanced sentiment is reminiscent of the time when there were glimpses of hope that reasonable and sensible Americans, on both sides, could come together. Those days are long gone; Trump has played a very strong hand in fermenting political savagery and deepening existing schisms in American society. E.g., in 2016 a woman whose mother was among the victims (twenty children and five adults) at Sandy Hook school massacre wrote Trump an open letter about the US gun culture. In response, as soon as Trump became President, he did everything he could to water down America’s already pathetically weak gun laws. He is known for telling everyone who cares to listen that mass shootings “aren’t a gun problem…”. Unsurprisingly, he relished every moment of the “unconstitutional plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election.”

IMHO, it was only a matter of time when Trump’s polarising inflammatory rhetoric against his opponents would provoke some mad stuff like himself experiencing first-hand the out-of-control gun violence. Of course, he can’t blame weak gun laws, so being the narcissist as he is, Trump will turn the situation to his advantage by declaring himself a modern-day martyr… ‘the way I have been persecuted by those evil Democrats would make Jesus weep in sympathy...blah blah'.

The free liberal world is in for a rough ride if Trump wins the second term in America. He will have his revenge.

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3 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I'm just hoping there is a plan B...to roll out Michelle Obama early next month.

The only way the democrats can win now is by one-upping Trump. Perhaps by Biden being successfully assassinated.

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12 minutes ago, HeliX said:

The only way the democrats can win now is by one-upping Trump. Perhaps by Biden being successfully assassinated.

I think the term for that is 'euthanasia' now, to be honest.

On the Michelle Obama point, how could they actually bring her in? My understanding is that if they had a vote of no confidence (or whatever the correct terminology is), it would have to be Karmela who stepped up.

Which would be fun.

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1 minute ago, hoopsaa said:

I think the term for that is 'euthanasia' now, to be honest.

On the Michelle Obama point, how could they actually bring her in? My understanding is that if they had a vote of no confidence (or whatever the correct terminology is), it would have to be Karmela who stepped up.

Which would be fun.

All the democrats have needed to do the whole time is run somebody remotely electable, and they've failed. They deserve what's coming, though sadly the US population does not.

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

HeliX, you are posting claims that Trump is a paedophile??

Here’s one that’s been out there for decades.

Full video. Very similar to the Prince Andrew allegations. All shut down after the 2016 election.

Edited by Mr. Sausages
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19 hours ago, Bosley said:

And who created that environment? Largely Donald J Trump and his supporters - who stormed Capitol Buildings (where 5 people ultimately died) because he was having a big baby fit about not winning the election. He is the main author of his own misfortune and crying about this and channeling anll sorts of conspiracies about it will probably get him into the White House. 

To be fair, this has been brewing since the weird shift in the rights politics of spectacle (think of the Tea Party movement) where fringers like Ted Cruz started making waves in the 2000's and the advent of the right wing "culture war".

The irony being that "reportedly" the shooter was a registered Republican libertarian is not lost on me (although the right is claiming his one time $15 donation to a democratic movement suggests a different motive)

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