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53 minutes ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Laying the ground work for Insurrection 2: Capital Hill Bugaloo

I'm pretty certain that's the plan if they don't win. 


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5 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

Farage did mention getting a rifle out if Brexit went the other way. 

He also said he would leave if Brexit was a disaster, which he even said in his own words later was indeed a disaster.

He isn't one for keeping his word, which for some reason the people of Clacton were oblivious about.

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4 hours ago, The Phantom said:

I'm pretty certain that's the plan if they don't win. 


100% they will resort to violence if they don’t win. They’ve done it before, they’re saying it out loud, yet the trump ‘sympathisers’, even on this forum, claim it’s just the libtards’ imaginations.

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In the infamous secret meeting of 20 February 1933, Hitler addressed leading German industrialists to whom he promised ‘prosperity’, the elimination of trade unions and political opposition such as the Communist Party (the Weimar Republic) i.e. to suspend democracy. His vision for 'new Germany' included the passing of the Enabling Act 1933 to give him the dictatorial powers he craved to "make and enforce laws without the involvement of the Reichstag”... The industrialists were so persuaded by Hitler’s promises that they contributed three million Reichsmarks (worth about USD30 million today) to “strengthen and confirm the Nazi Party in power.”  

Hitler quipped after the meeting that there never needed to be another election in Germany. Why can’t this ignoble piece of history repeat itself - in America? With America’s right-wing billionaires lining up to directly and indirectly contribute to the Trump campaign, it is already happening. There is a massive risk that democracy in America has become so corrupted that a few billionaires will use their bank balances to ‘buy’ the election for Trump. IMHO, if Abraham Lincoln was resurrected, many current members of the Republican Party would brand him a ‘liberal lefty’ and would not support his run for President in 2024.

The stakes for America and the world could not be greater.



Edited by code99
The Guardian ref.
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We don’t actually need to look back to a fascist regime existed eighty years ago, to see an example of what Trump wants to do in the USA.

Quite obviously modern Russia has an electoral and judicial system that has been captured by Putin. Sadly, the situation in Hungry and even Poland (the incumbent President Tusk is being undermined by a judiciary which was appointed by his predecessor) is similar to that in Russia. In these two countries, conservative parties have used democracy to come to power and then once in power to appoint conservative judges to the highest courts; judges who cannot be legally removed by successive governments. These undemocratic judges will then keep doing the (religious and conservative) bidding of the people who appointed them, for decades to come.

Trump says that the last time he was President he filled numerous posts in the federal courts, and there is now also a clear conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Trump promised his supporters that the next time he is President he will "once again appoint rock-solid conservative judges who will protect religious freedom", but he wants these institutions to always reflect Christian beliefs. This change would terminate LGBT culture, feminism and numerous other individual freedoms. He also said that if he wins the November election he will "fix" the electoral system so that there is no longer a need for "fraud-proof huge majorities" for the Republicans. Among other things, he wants to abolish postal voting and only allow voting on election day.

Trump wants to hijack democratic processes in America just like Putin did in Russia. These and other initiatives are not vague intentions, they are firmly laid out goals.  

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Unfortunately I think is an accurate assessment. Regardless of the result Trump will claim victory and attempt to seize power. They’ve been planning it a long time. And the republicans have always been really good at devious politics.


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He was rambling pretty impressively at the biggest Bitcoin conference of the year over the weekend. 

He clearly has no idea what it is.  But is aware of its value and how being seen as crypto friendly could buy a lot of votes. 

You need tremendous amounts of electricity. You need double the electricity of the entire electricity that we have right now in the United States to dominate, and we'll get that done. Who would think we can get that done? But we're going to get it done. We'll be having power plants built at the sites. We'll be releasing people from certain ridiculous requirements, and we'll be using fossil fuel to make electricity because we're going to have to. We'll be using nuclear. We'll be doing it in an environmentally friendly way, but we will be creating so much electricity that you'll be saying, Please, please, President, we don't want any more electricity. We can't stand it. You'll be begging me, no more electricity, sir, we have enough. We have enough.

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